UNESCO Technical Paper in Marine Science
Last Updated: November 15, 2013
No. Year Title Received Digital File Note
67 1994 Calculation of new depth equations for expendable bathythermographs using a temperature-error-free method (application to Sippican/TSK T-7, T-6 and T-4 XBTs). WMO-IOC IGOSS task team of quality control of automated systems 1995/7/19 102227e.pdf (948KB)  
66 1993 Emerging technologies in biological sampling. A report of SCOR Working Group 90. 1994/5/6 096406eb.pdf (2.6MB)  
65 1992 Methodology for oceanic CO2 measurements; final report of SCOR Working Group 75, Woods Hole, USA, October 1988 no record 124165eo.pdf (3.3MB)  
64 1992 Coastal systems studies and sustainable development. Proceedings of the COMAR Interregional Scientific Conference, UNESCO, Paris, 21-25 May 1991. co-sponsored by UNESCO,UNEP,SCOR,IABO.  no record    
63 1991 Coastal systems studies and sustainable development. Report of the COMAR Interregional Scientific Conference, UNESCO, Paris, 21-25 May 1991. co-sponsored by UNESCO,UNEP,SCOR,IABO. no record 095893eb.pdf (1.3MB)  
62 1991 Salinity and density of seawater: Tables for high salinities (42 to 50) 1992/5/20 096451mb.pdf (3.1MB)  
61 1991 Manual on marine experimental ecosystems. prepared by SCOR Working Group 85 no record 090201eb.pdf (4.7MB)  
60 1991 Reference Materials for oceanic carbon dioxide measurements. Report of the subpanel on standards for CO2 measurements of the Joint Panel on Oceanographic Tables and Standards no record 090200eb.pdf (2.5MB)  
59 1991 Inter-comparison of total alkalinity and total inorganic carbon determinations in seawater. Recommended by ICES Marine Chemistry Working Group and SCOR Working Group 75 and endorsed by SCOR/UNESCO/ICES/IAPSO Joint Panel on Oceanographic Tables and Standards 1990/11/13 090199eb.pdf (2.1MB)  
58 1990 Directory of source materials for the history of oceanography 1990/7/11 089986eb.pdf (2.2MB)  
57 1992 Coastal marine systems: review and research recommendations 1988-1990 1990/5/7 124161eo.pdf (3.3MB)  
56 1989 The ocean as a source and sink for atmospheric trace contituents. Final Report of SCOR Working Group 72 1989/8/4 096449eb.pdf (5.0MB)  
55 1988 River inputs to ocean systems: Status and recommendations for research. Final Report of SCOR Working Group 46 1989/6/17 096450eb.pdf (1.3MB)  
54 1988 The acquisition,calibration and analysis of CTD data. A report of SCOR Working Group 51 1988/8/19 096989eb.pdf (3.7MB)  
53 1988 Code of practice for scientific diving: Principles for the safe practice of scientific diving in different environments. compiled and edited by the Scientific Committee of the Confederation mondiale des activites subaquatiques (CMSA) 1988/5/24 080632eb.pdf (15MB)  
52 1987 Research on coastal marine systems. Review and Recommendations for UNESCO. Programme 1987-1989. Report of the fourth meeting of the UNESCO/SCOR/IABO consultative panel on coastal system,Dakar,15-17 December 1986 1987/12/3 077665eb.pdf (2.6MB)  
51 1987 Thermodynamics of the carbon dioxide system in seawater. Report by the carbon dioxide subpanel of the joint panel on oceanographic tables and standards. 1988/1/27 077668eb.pdf (2.7MB)  
50 1987 Progress on oceanographic tables and standards 1983-1986: Work and recommendations of the UNESCO/SCOR/ICES/IAPSO Joint Panel 1987/6/19 075627eb.pdf (2.1MB)  
49 1986 Pelagic biogeography. Proceeding of an international conference,The Netherlands,29 May-5 June 1985 1987/5/13 072812eb.pdf (15MB)  
48 1986 Coastal off-shore ecosystems relationships. Final Report of SCOR/IABO/UNESCO Working Group 65,Texel,Netherlands,September 1983 1987/3/24 071431eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
47 1986 Research on coastal marine systems. Report of the third meeting of the UNESCO/SCOR/IABO consultative panel on coastal systems,October 1984 1986/10/17 070181eb.pdf (1.2MB)  
46 1986 Opportunities and problems in satellite measurement of the sea. Report of SCOR Working Group 70 1986/6/28 068759eb.pdf (4.9MB)  
45 1985 The International System of Units (SI) in Oceanography Report of IAPSO Working Group on Symbols,Units and Nomenclature in Physical Oceanography. (SUN) 1985/11/2 065031eb.pdf (3.5MB)  
44 1983 Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of seawater. Endorsed by UNESCO/SCOR/ICES/IAPSO/ Joint Panel on Oceanographic Tables and Standards and SCOR Working Group 51 2002/3/15 059832eb.pdf (2.0MB)  
43 1982 International symposium on coastal lagoons, Bordeaux, France, 8-14 September 1981 1983/7/4    
42 1983 Carbon dioxide sub-group of the joint panel on oceanographic tables and standards. Report of a meeting Miami,Florida,21-23 September 1981 sponsored by UNESCO,ICES,SCOR,IAPSO 1984/2/6 057587eb.pdf (1.0MB)  
41 1982 Ocean-Atmosphere Materials Exchange (OAMEX). Report of SCOR Working Group 44,UNESCO,Paris,14-16 November 1979 1982/10/16 049961eb.pdf (1.1MB)  
40 1982 Internationl Oceanographic Tables,Vol. 4 1987/11/24 076307mb.pdf (7.3MB)  
39 1981 Internationl Oceanographic Tables,Vol. 3 1981/12/21 047931mb.pdf (3.1MB)  
38 1981 Background papers and supporting data on the International Equation of state of Seawater 1980 1982/1/21 047363eb.pdf (4.6MB)  
37 1981 Background papers and supporting data on the Practical Salinity Scale 1978 1982/1/6 047932eb.pdf (5.9MB)  
36 1981 The practical salinity scale 1978 and the international equation of state of seawater 1980. Tenth report of the Joint Panel on Oceanographic Tables and standards,(JPOTS). Sidney,B.C.,Canada,1-5 September 1980. Sponsored by UNESCO,ICES,SCOR,IAPSO 1978/10/27 046148eb.pdf (913KB)  
35 1980 Determination of chlorophyll in seawater. Report of intercalibration tests sponsored by SCOR and carried out by C.J. Lorenzen and S.W. Jeffrey,CSIRO Cronulla,N.S.W.,Australia,September-October 1978 1981/4/2 043485eb.pdf (1.0MB)  
34 1980 The carbon budget of the oceans. Report of a meeting,Paris, 12-13 November 1979 1981/4/2 043484eb.pdf (888KB)  
33 1981 Coastal lagoon research,present and future. Proceedings of a seminar,Duke University. August 1978 (UNESCO,IABO) 1982/3/1 047889eb.pdf (11MB)  
32 1981 Coastal lagoon research,present and future.Report and guidelines of a seminar. Duke University Marine Laboratory,Beaufort,NC,USA,August 1978 (UNESCO,IABO) 1981/12/5 046151eb.pdf (3.3MB)  
31 1980 Coastal lagoon survey (1976-1978) 1980/11/17 042690mb.pdf (7.5MB)  
30 1979 Ninth report of the joint panel on oceanographic tables and standards. UNESCO,Paris, 11-13 September 1978 1979/6/2 097477eb.pdf (1.1MB)  
29 1979 Committee for the preparation of CLOFETA. Report of the first meeting,Paris,16-18 January 1978 1979/4/14    
28 1978 Eighth report of the joint panel on oceanographic tables and standards,Woods hole,USA. Sponsored by UNESCO,ICES,SCOR,IAPSO 1978/7/18    
27 1976 Collected reports of the joint panel on oceanographic tables and standards. 1964-1969 1978/11/24 023670eb.pdf (5.7MB)  
26 1976 Marine science in the Gulf area. Report of a consultative meeting,Paris,11-14 November 1975 1976/11/19 023660eb.pdf (5.4MB)  
25 1976 Marine science programme for the Red Sea: Recommendation of the workshop held in Bremerhaven,FRG,22-23 October 1974. Sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-schaft and UNESCO 1976/9/7 023662eb.pdf (1.9MB)  
24 1976 Seventh report of the joint panel on oceanographic tables and standards,Grenoble,2-5 September 1975. Sponsored by UNESCO, ICES,SCOR,IAPSO 1976/11/19 023673eb.pdf (3.8MB)  
23 1975 An intercomparison of some currents meters,III. Report on an experiment carried out from the Research Vessel Atlantis II. August-September 1972,by the Working Group on Continuous Velocity Measurements: sponsored by SCOR,IAPSO and UNESCO 1976/4/12 023663eb.pdf (1.7MB)  
22 1975 European sub-regional co-operation in oceanography. Report of Working Group sponsored by the UNESCO Scientific Co-operation Bureau for Europe and the Division of Marine Sciences 1975/12/9 023686eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
21 1975 An intercomparison of open sea tidal pressure sensors. Report of SCOR Working Group 27:'Tides of the open sea' 1975/10/27 023665eb.pdf (4.2MB)  
20 1975 Report of the CICAR Ichthyoplankton Workshop, Mexico City; 1974 1975/10/27 015653eb.pdf (2.9MB) IOC Workshop Report No.2
19 1974 Marine Science Teaching at the University Level. Report of the UNESCO Workshop on University Curricula. Available in Spanish and Arabic. 1975/3/26 023689eb.pdf (2.8MB)  
18 1974 A review of methods used for quantitative phytoplankton studies. sponsored by SCOR,UNECO 1974/11/12 023688eb.pdf (2.2MB)  
17 1974 An intercomparison of some current meters, Report on an Experiment of Research Vessel Akademic Kurchatov,March-April 1970,by the Working Group on Current Velocity Measurements. sponsored by SCOR, IAPSO,UNESCO 1974/5/27 023690eb.pdf (6.4MB)  
16 1974 Sixth report of the joint panel on oceanographic tables and standards,Kiel,24-26 January 1973. sponsored by UNESCO,ICES,SCOR,IAOSO 1974/4/6 023671eb.pdf (1.5MB)  
15 1973 Monitoring life in the ocean - Report of Working Group 29 on Monitoring in Biological Oceanography, sponsored by SCOR,ACMRR,UNESCO,IBP/PM 1974/4/6 006350eb.pdf (4.0MB)  
14 1970 Fifth Report of the Joint Panel on Oceanographic Tables and Standards, Keil, 10-12 December 1969. sponsored by Unesco, ICES, SCOR, IAPSO 1970/9/16    
13 1969 Technical report of sea trials conducted by the working group on photosynthetic radiant energy,Gulf of Califomia,May 1968. sponsored by SCOR,ACMRR,UNESCO 1970/1/6    
12 1969 Check-List of the Fishes of the North-Eastern Atlantic and of the Mediterranean (report of the third meeting of the Committee,Hamburg,April 1969) 1970/1/22    
11 1969 An intercomparison of some current meters, Report on an experiment at WHOI Mooring Site 'D',16-24 July 1967 by the Working Group on Continuous Current Velocity Measurements. sponsored by SCOR,LIAPSO and UNESCO 1969/12/12    
10 1969 Guide to the Indian Ocean Biological Centre(IOBC),Cochin (India),by the UNESCO Curator 1967-1969(Dr J. Tranter) 1969/12/12    
9 1969 Report on the Intercalibration Measurements, Leningrad, 24-28 May 1966, Copenhagen, September 1966, organized by ICES 1969/3/19    
8 1968 Third report of the joint panel on oceanographic tables and standards, Berne, 4-5 October 1967. Sponsord by UNESCO, ICES, SCOR, IAPO. 1968/7/8    
7 1968 Report of the second meeting of the Committee for the Check-List of the Fishes of the North Eastern Atlantic and on the Mediterranean, London,20-22 April 1967 1968/4/1    
6 1967 Report of a meeting of the jonit group of experts on radiocarbon estimation of primary production held at Copenhagen, 24-26 October 1966. Sponsored by UNESCO, SCOR, ICES. 1967/5/8    
5 1966 Report of the second meeting of the jonit group of experts on photosynthetic radiant energy held at Kauizawa,15-19 August 1966. Sponsored by UNESCO, SCOR, IAPO. no record    
4 1966 Second report of the joint panel on oceanographic tables and standards held in Rome, 8-9 October 1965. Sponsord by UNESCO, ICES, SCOR, IAPO. 1978/8/15    
3 1966 Report on the intercalibration measurements in Copenhagen, 9-13 June 1965. Organized by ICES. 1978/8/15    
2 1965 Report of the first meeting of the joint group of experts on photosynthetic radiant energy held at Moscow,5-9 October 1964. Sponsored by UNESCO,SCOR and IAPO.      
1 1965 First report of the joint panel on oceanographic tables and standards held at Copenhagen, 5-6 October 1964. Sponsord by UNESCO, ICES, SCOR, IAPO.