UNESCO Reports in Marine Science
Last Updated: November 15, 2013
No. Year Title Received Digital File Note
68 1996 Mud volcanism and fluid venting in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Ridge. Initial results of geological,geophysical and geochemical investigations during the Fifth UNESCO-ESF "Training-through-Research" Cruise of R/V Professor Logachiv (July-September1995) 1997/2/26    
67 1995 Deep-sea depositional systems of the Western Mediterranean and mud volcanism on the Mediterranean Ridge. Initial results of geological and geophysical investigations during the Fourth UNESCO-ESF "Training-through-Research" Cruise of R/V Gelendzhik (June-July 1994) 1995/12/16 101658eb.pdf (9.6MB)  
66 1995 Coastal systems and sustainable development in Africa 1995/12/26 112200mo.pdf (15.2MB)  
65 1994 Ichthyoplankton study in Guinean and Senegalese coastal and estuarine waters. Results of surveys: 1988-1992.Prepared within the framework of the African Coastal Marine Programme(COMARAF) 1995/1/20 100127eb.pdf (2.9MB)  
64 1994 Mud volcanism in the Mediterranean and Black Seas and shallow structure of the Eratosthenes Seamount. Initial results of the geological and geophysical investigations during the Third UNESCO-ESF 'Training-through-Research' Cruise of the RV Gelendzhik (June-July 1993) 1995/1/20 098650eb.pdf (10MB)  
63 1994 Sandy coast monitoring: The Dominica example(1987-1992). Prepared for the UNESCO COMAR/COSALC-I Project 1994/1/13 097088eb.pdf (4.1MB)  
62 1993 Geological/geophysical investigations of Western Mediterranean deep sea fans. Initial results of the UNESCO-ESF 'Training-through-Research' Cruise of RV Gelendzhik in the Western Mediterranean (June-July 1992) 1993/11/11    
61 1993 Impact of expected climate change on mangroves. UNEP-UNESCO Task Team Report of the First Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, 1-3 June 1992 no record 103545e.pdf (353KB)  
60 1993 Inventory of innovative learning materials in marine science and technology no record 095335eb.pdf (5.3MB)  
59 1993 Artificial radioactivitiy of the Black Sea no record 095240eb.pdf (4.9MB)  
58 1993 Geological development of the Sicilian-Tunisian Platform. Proceedings of the International Scientific Meeting held at the University of Urbino, Italy, 4 - 6 November 1992 1993/7/8    
57 1992 Physical oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean (POEM): the scientific plan for the second phase of POEM no record 124180eo.pdf (2.2MB)  
56 1992 Geological and geophysical investigations in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Initial results of the 'Training-through-Research' Cruise of RV Gelendzhik in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea, June-July 1991 no record    
55 1991 Physical oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean (POEM): The new phenomenology of the Eastern Mediterranean. POEM Scientific Workshop,Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 29 May-2 June 1989 no record    
54 1990 Relative sea-level change: a critical evaluation. UNESCO(COMAR) Working Group on Mean Sea-Level Rise and its Influence on the Coastal Zone 1990/7/5 089984eb.pdf (1.7MB)  
53 1990 Physical oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean (POEM): The Intercalibrated POEM data set and the emerging picture of the circulaiton,POEM Scientific Workshop, Trieste, Italy, 31 May-4 June 1988 1990/5/7 089982eb.pdf (1.3MB)  
52 1988 Year 2000 challenges for marine science training and education worldwide 1989/6/17 089980eb.pdf (5.9MB)  
51 1988 Physical oceanogrphy of the Eastern Mediterranean (POEM): Programme for 1988/89 1989/6/17    
50 1988 Marine Geology of the West African Shelf zone 1989/9/21 093255fb.pdf (6.8MB) French
49 1988 Eutrophication in the Mediterranean sea: receiving capacity and monitoring of long-term effects. Report and proceedings of a Scientific Wordshop, Bologna, Italy, 2 to 6 March 1987. sponsored by: UNESCO,FAO,UNEP,Regione Emilia Romagana and University of Bologna 1988/6/10 080634mo.pdf (9.2MB)  
48 1988 Coastal marine ecosystems of Africa. Objectives and Strategy of the COMARAF Regional Project 1988/6/6 078736mb.pdf (2.5MB)  
47 1987 Temperare coastal systems of Latin America. Report on meeting on COSALC Piolot Project No.VII, November 1986 1992/5/29 083556mb.pdf (10MB)  
46 1987 Comparison between Atlantic and Pacific tropical marine coastal ecosystems: community structure,ecological processes,and productivity. Results and scientific papers of a UNESCO/COMAR workshop,University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, 24-29 March 1986 1988/2/22 078597eb.pdf (13MB)  
45 1987 Marine science teaching and training at first degree (undergraduat ) level. Recommended guidelines from a UNESCO workshop on university curricula, Paris, November 1986 1987/11/9 076120eb.pdf (2.1MB)  
44 1987 Physical oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean (POEM): Initial results. UNESCO/IOC First POEM Scientific Workshop, Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Erdemli, Turkey, 16-20 June 1986 1987/10/30 076121eb.pdf (2.3MB)  
43 1987 Quaternary coastal geology of West Africa and South America. Papers prepared for the INQUA-ASEQUA Symposium in Dakar, April 1986 1987/9/11 076116eb.pdf (7.1MB)  
42 1986 The application of digital remote sensing techniques in coral reef,oceanographic and estuarine studies. Report on a regional UNESCO/COMAR/GBRMPA Workshop, Townsville, Australia August 1985 1987/4/28 072544eb.pdf (5.9MB)  
41 1986 Caribbean coastal marine productivity. Results of a Planning Workshop at Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory, University of the West Indies, Jamaica, November 1985 1987/4/28 072543eb.pdf (2.6MB)  
40 1986 Human Induced damage to coral reefs. Results of a regional UNESCO (COMAR) workshop with advanded training, Diponegoro University, Jepara, and National Institute of Oceanology, Jakarta, Indonesia, November 1985 1987/5/13 073210eb.pdf (7.1MB)  
39 1986 Development of marine science in Arab Universities. Meeting of expers held at the Marine Science Station, Apaba, Jordan, 1-5 December 1985 1987/3/26 072542eb.pdf (2.9MB)  
38 1986 Marine Sciences in CMEA countries. Programme and results of co-operation 1987/6/19 076118eb.pdf (2.6MB)  
37 1986 Principles of Geological Mapping of Marine Sediments (with special reference to the African continental margin) 1987/6/19 076117eb.pdf (4.9MB)  
36 1986 Methodologie d'etude des lagunes cotieres. Resultats d'un atelier regional reuni a Abidjan du 6 au 11mai 1985 1986/6/16 068321fb.pdf (1.5MB) French
35 1985 Physical oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean(POEM): A Research programme. Reports of the Organizing Committee Meeting, Paris, August 1984, and the Scientific Workshop, Lucerne, October 1984 1985/12/17 066844eb.pdf (2.1MB)  
34 1985 Coastal lagoons along the Southern Mediterranean coast: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia; description and bibliography 1986/10/17 070171mb.pdf (5.4MB)  
33 1985 Coral Taxonomy. Results and recommendations of a regional UNESCO (COMAR)/UNEP workshop with advanced training, Phuket Marine Biological Centre, Thailand, 10-26 February 1984 1985/12/17 066758eb.pdf (1.9MB)  
32 1985 L'estuaire et la mangrove du Sine Saloum. Resultats d'un Atelier regional UNESCO-COMAR,tenu a Dakar (Senegal) du 28 fevrier au 5 mars 1983 1985/8/5 063209fb.pdf (10MB) French
31 1985 MABAHISS/John Murray 50th anniversary: Marine science of the North West Indian Ocean and adjacent waters. Report of a symposium on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the MABAHISS/John Murray Expedition(1933/34), University of Alexandria, Egypt, 3 to 7 September 1983 1985/7/19 064389eb.pdf (4.92MB)  
30 1984 Physical oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean: an overview and research plan. Report of a workshop held in Lerici,La Spezia(Italy), September 1983 1985/2/13 063409eb.pdf (1.5MB)  
29 1984 Eutrophication in coastal marine areas and lagoons: a case study of 'Lac de Tunis'. Report prepared by Dr M. Kelly and Dr M.Naguib 1985/2/13 063416eb.pdf (3.2MB)  
28 1984 Oceanographic modelling of the Kuwait Action Plan(KAP) Region. Report of symposium/workshop, University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 15-18 October 1983 1984/12/30 061548eb.pdf (5.2MB)  
27 1984 Productivity and processes in island marine ecosystems. Recommendations and scientific papers from the UNESCO/IOC sessions on marine science co-operation in the pacific, at the XVth Pacific Science Congress,Dunedin,New Zealand,February 1983 1985/2/15 063402eb.pdf (4.7MB)  
26 1984 Global survey and analysis of post-graduate curricula in ocean engineering 1984/9/14 059875eb.pdf (4.0MB)  
25 1983 Ocean engineering teaching at the university level. Recommended guidelines from the UNESCO/IOC/ECOR work-shop on advanced university curricula in ocean engineering and related fields, Paris, October 1982 1985/3/24    
24 1983 Coastal ecosystems of Latin America and the Caribbean. The objectives,priorities and activities of UNESCO's COMAR project for the Latin America and Caribbean region, Caracas, Venezuela, 15-19 November 1982 1984/10/4 060939eb.pdf (2.4MB)  
23 1983 Coral reefs,seagrass beds and mangroves: their interaction in the coastal zones of the Caribbean. Report of a workshop held at West Indies Laboratory, St Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, May 1982 1984/6/28 057596eo.pdf (6.8MB)  
22 1983 Guidelines for marine biological reference collections. Prepared in response to a recommendation by a meeting of experts from the Mediterranean Arab countries 1984/4/3    
21 1983 Comparing coral reef survey methods. A regional UNESCO/UNEP workshop,Phuket Marine Biological Centre, Thailand, December 1982 1984/9/6 060934eb.pdf (5.2MB)  
20 1983 Quantitative analysis and simulation of Mediterranean coastal ecosystems: The Gulf of Naples,a case study. Report of a workshop on ecosystem modelling,Ischia,Naples,Italy,28 March to 10 April 1981. organized by UNESCO and the Stazione zoologica,Naples 1983/9/10 055947eb.pdf (10MB)  
19 1982 Mareas rojas en el Plancton del Pacifico Oriental. Informe del Segundo Taller del Programe de Plancton del Pacifico Oriental,Instituto del Mar, Callao, Peru, 19-20 de noviembre de 1981   052700sb.pdf (2.4MB) Spanish
18 1982 Coral reef management in Asia and the Pacific: some research and training priorities. Report of a UNESCO workshop held in Manila, Philippines, 21-22 May 1981 1982/11/22 050862eb.pdf (703KB)  
17 1981 The coastal ecosystems of West Africa: coastal lagoons, estuaries and mangroves. A workshop report, Dakar, 11-15 June 1979 1982/3/11 047483eb.pdf (2.6MB)  
16 1981 Marine and coastal processes in the pacific: ecological aspects of coastal zone management. Report of a UNESCO seminar held at Motupore Island Research Centre,University of Papua New Guinea, 14-17 July 1980 1981/11/19 047364eb.pdf (912KB)  
15 1981 Fishery science teaching at the university level. Report of a UNESCO/FAO workshop on university curricula in fishery science, Paris, May 1980 1981/10/22 047369eb.pdf (3.3MB)  
14 1981 Marine science and technology in Africa: present state and future development. Synthesis of UNESCO/ECA survey missions to African coastal states, 1980 1981/7/18 047390eb.pdf (5.2MB)  
13 1981 Seminario Latinoamericano sobre Ensenanza de la Oceanografia. Informe final del Seminario organisado por la UNESCO en Sao Paulo, Brasil, 17-20 de noviembre de 1978   047368sb.pdf (1.6MB) Spanish
12 1981 Geologia y geoquimica del margen continental del Atlantico Sudoccidental. Informe final del Taller de Trabajo organizado por la UNESCO en Montevideo, Uruguay, 2-4 de diciembre de 1980   046941sb.pdf (2.2MB) Spanish
11 1981 Programa de Plancton para el Pacifico Oriental. Informe final del Seminario Taller realizado en el instituto del Mar del Peru. El Callao, Peru, 8-11 de septiembre de 1980     Spanish
10 1980 Development of marine science and technology in Africa. Working Group of Experts sponsored by ECA and UNESCO, Addis Ababa, 5-9May 1980 1981/2/14 042689eb.pdf (2.0MB)  
9 1979 The mangrove ecosystem: scientific aspects and human impact. Report of the seminar organized by UNESCO at Cali, Colombia, 27 November - 1 December 1978 1981/1/26    
8 1979 The mangrove ecosystem: Human uses and management implications. Report of a UNESCO regional seminar held in Dacca, Bangladesh, December 1978 1979/11/9    
7 1979 Coastal ecosystems of the Southern Mediterranean: lagoons,deltas and salt marshes. Report of a meeting of experts, Tunis, 25-27 September 1978 1979/8/25    
6 1979 Organization of marine biological reference collections in the Mediterranean Arab countries. Expert meeting held in Tunis, 20-23 September 1978 1979/8/15    
5 1979 Marine science syllabus for secondary schools. Report of an IOC workshop held at United World College of the Atlantic, United Kingdom, 5-9 June 1978 1979/6/4 038203eb.pdf (1.7MB) IOC Workshop Report No.19
4 1979 Syllabus for training marine technicians. Report of an IOC/UNESCO workshop held in Miami, Florida, 22-26May1978 1979/6/15 038202eb.pdf (2.0MB) IOC Workshop Report No.18
3 1979 Benthic ecology and sedimentation of the south Atlantic continental platform. Report of the seminar organized by UNESCO in Montevideo, Uruguay, 9-12 May 1978 1979/6/30 033953eb.pdf (1.3MB)  
2 1977 Marine ecosystem modelling in the Mediterranean. Report of the Second UNESCO Workshop on Marine Ecosystem Modelling 1978/3/24 025640eb.pdf (7.1MB)  
1 1977 Marine ecosystem modelling in the Eastern Mediterranean. Report of a UNESCO workshop held in Alexandria, Egypt, December 1974 1978/3/24 025638eb.pdf (5.0MB)