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updated on 23 May 2019


Earlier activities for GEOTRACES in Japan

In Japan, discussion to participate in GEOTRACES was begun in earnest around 2003.

In 2005, a subcommittee on GEOTRACES was established in Science Council of Japan with limited term. In order to initiate a national GEOTRACES project under the grant-in-aid scientific research of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), a proposal was developed with 20 researchers including the members of the GEOTRACES subcommittee in 2005. Although, unfortunately, this proposal as all Japan was not accepted by MEXT, some research activities related to GEOTRACES have been implemented with efforts of Japanese researchers.

Japanese cruises and research activities are introduced on another page of this web page: Research Plans

International GEOTRACES Project is shifting from a planning phase to an implementation phase of its field works. GEOTRACES Science Steering Committee has been established involving two Japanese researches since 2006. The first full scale Japanese cruise met with the requirement of GEOTRACES was conducted in Indian Ocean by R/V Hakuho Maru from November 2009 to January 2010.

Sub-committee for GEOTRACES, Science Council of Japan

In order to coordinate Japanese research activities for and contribute to International GEOTRACES project, Subcommittee for GEOTRACES was established again in Science Council of Japan in July 2009. Members of the subcommittee at present(the 24th term) are shown in the table below:

Members of the Sub-committee for GEOTRACES (as of 22 Feb. 2018)
Name Organization Note
Dr. GAMO, Toshitaka AORI, Univ. of Tokyo
Dr. ZHANG, Jing Univ. of Toyama Member of PDC
Dr. OGAWA, Hiroshi AORI, Univ. of Tokyo
Dr. OBATA, Hajime AORI, Univ. of Tokyo Member of SSC
Dr. SANO, Yuji AORI, Univ. of Tokyo
Dr. SOHRIN Yoshiki ICR, Kyoto Univ.
Dr. TAKEDA, Shigenobu Nagasaki Univ.
Dr. NAGAI, Hisao CHS, Nihon Univ.
Dr. NISHIOKA, Jun ILTS, Hokkaido Univ. Member of DMC
Dr. NORISUE, Kazuhiro Niigata Univ.
Dr. HASUMI, Hiroyasu CCSR, Univ. of Tokyo
Dr. YAMADA, Masatoshi IREM, Hirosaki Univ.

ToR of the sub-committee(in Japanese)
The SC members for the 23rd term
The SC members for the 22nd term

GEOTRACES Data Management Office of Japan

In order to assist Japanese researches on data processing, management and submission following to the data policy and protocol of GEOTRACES, it is discussing GEOTRACES Data Management Office(DMO) of Japan in Japan Oceanographic Data Center (JODC) in the sub-committee.

The terms of reference and functions of GEOTRACES DMO of Japan are introduced at another page of this site: Data Management in Japan.

Cooperation with IOC/WESTPAC

A new nine-country* Working Group entitled gA framework for cooperative studies in the Western Pacific Marginal Seas: Energy and materials exchange between land and open oceanh (PI, Jing Zhang; 2017-2020), was established by the IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC) in 2017. Its task is to build up a framework for interdisciplinary and joint studies of the marginal seas environment. (*Japan, China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Russia, Thailand, USA)

Mailing List of GEOTRACES Japan

A mailing list of GEOTRACES Japan has been established to share the infomration on GEOTRACES activities among the peopole concerned in Japan.
Please contact to the following contct point if you want to subscribe or unsubscribe to the mailing list or chang your e-mail address;

Contact Point for the Mailing List of GEOTRACES Japan

Name : Kazuhiro TOYAMA, Univ. of Toyama
E-mail: toyama (a)