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updated on 23 Oct. 2019
News of GEOTRACES Japan
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23 Oct. 2019:SCOR-GEOTRACES Joint Session, 26 Sep. 2019
contributed by Norio BABA, JODC
"SCOR-GEOTRACES Joint Session Biogeochemistry of trace elements and isotopes in the ocean - from GEOSECS to GEOTRACES -" was held in Toyama, Japan on 26 Sep. 2019 at autumn meeting of the Oceanographic Society of Japan. 17 oral presentations and 6 poser presentations were done at the Session. Abstract of those presentations are available here as a pdf file (3.2MB).
3 Oct. 2018:BioGEOTRACES Japan BEGINS, 11-13 Sep. 2018
contributed by Norio BABA, JODC
BioGEOTRACES Japan BEGINS was held at Nagasaki University in Nagasaki, Japan on 19-21 September 2018. Please see the detail at its programme.
3 Oct. 2018:GEOTRACES Session at the annual meeting of Geochemical Society of Japan, 11-13 Sep. 2018
contributed by Norio BABA, JODC
GEOTRACES related session was conducted during the 65th annual meeting of Geochemical Society of Japan on 11-13 Sep. 2018 in Okinawa. Totally, 22 oral presentations and 11 poster presentation were done in the session.
16 Sep. 2017:Routine Data of KH10-2 for GB03 was submitted
contributed by Norio BABA, JODC
Routine Data of KH10-2 for GB03 which was conducted by R/V Hakuho-Maru 11 June to 23 July 2010 was submitted GDAC(BODC)
15 Sep. 2017:GEOTRACES Session at the annual meeting of Geochemical Society of Japan, 13-15 Sep. 2017
contributed by Norio BABA, JODC
GEOTRACES related session was conducted during the 64th annual meeting of Geochemical Society of Japan on 13-15 Sep. 2017 at Tokyo Institute of Technology
9 Aug. 2017: KH 17-3 by R/V Hakuho Maru was completed
contributed by Norio BABA, JODC
GP02 of GEOTRACES cruiise, KH 17-3 by R/V Hakuho Maru was conducted on 23 June to 9 August 2017. This cruise was led by Dr. Hajime OBATA, AORI.
18 Jan. 2017: East Asia GEOTRACES Workshop, 16-18 Jan. 2017, Hokkaido, Japan
contributed by Hajime OBATA, AORI
International workshop, “East Asia GEOTRACES Workshop: Trace Element and Isotope (TEI) study in the Northwestern Pacific and its marginal seas”was held on January 16- 18, 2017 at Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, to evaluate the current status of trace elements and their isotopes (TEI) studies in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas, and to identify important scientific questions and directions for future regional collaborative studies. Total of 56 registered scientists from China, Germany, Korea, Russia, Taiwan, United States and Japan, took part in the workshop. The workshop consisted of 5 plenary talks, 17 keynote talks and 25 short topics talks related to GEOTRACES & Bio-GEOTRACES.
28 Apr. 2014:Japan's National Report for SSC (2013)
contributed by Akihiro SETA, JODC
Japan's National Report for GEOTRACES SSC 2013 is uploaded. ("Libraries/Other Materials")
15 Jul. 2011: Japanese R/V Hakuho Maru will embark in a research cruise to Western North Pacific Ocean on 16 Jul. 2011
contributed by Akihiro SETA, JODC
R/V Hakuho Maru will embark on 16 July 2011 for Western North Pacific Ocean.She will be back to Tokyo on 4 August 2011 after the observation on the 165E line. Dr. Zhang, University of Toyama is the principal investigator of the cruise.
6 Jan. 2010: A Japanese Magazine on GEOTRACES (Gekkan Kaiyo, No.471, Jan. 2010) was published
contributed by Norio BABA, JODC
A Japanese Magazine on GEOTRACES was published in Jan. 2010 by Kaiyo Shuppan. Totally 13 articles have been contributed in the magazine on variety of topics regarding GEOTRACES, such as overviews of GEOTRACES, Japanese activities and some research results by Japanese researches etc.
6 Oct. 2009: Japanese R/V Hakuho Maru will embark in a research cruise to Indian Ocean and Antarctic Ocean on 6 Nov. 2009
contributed by Toshitaka GAMO, ORI
The research cruise of R/V Hakuho Maru is the first research cruise fully met with the GEOTRACES requirement in Japan. She will embark on 6 November 2008 for Indian Ocean and Antarctic Ocean. Dr. Gamo, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo is the principal investigator of the cruise. She will be back to Tokyo on 29 March 2010.
6 Oct. 2009: New homepage of GEOTRACES Japan was openned
contributed by Norio BABA, JODC
New home page of GEOTRACES Japan was openned to promote information sharing among Japanese researches participated in GEOTRACES. The homepage has been maintained by GEOTRACES Data Managemnet Office located in Japan Oceanographic Data Center.
31 Jul. 2009: Establishment of Sub-committee on GEOTRACES, Science Council of Japan
contributed by Toshitaka GAMO, ORI
In order to coordinate Japanese research activities for and contribute to International GEOTRACES project, Subcommittee on GEOTRACES was established again in Science Council of Japan in July 2009.