J-DOSS : JODC Data On-line Service System

Last update: Dec. 19, 2016

What is J-DOSS?

JODC has archived the oceanographic data and related information obtained by various oceanographic research institutes in and outside Japan, and has served the corrected data and information for users' activities.

J-DOSS, aiming to provide users with the data managed by JODC through the internet. Those who have the facility to connect with the internet, are able to search the data using many keywords and download them from J-DOSS. Although 16 kinds of data and information are provided from J-DOSS now, moreover many data is managed in JODC. In addition, JODC has a plan to improve the service and data quantities/quality of J-DOSS.

Please contact Marine Information Service Office in JODC on J-DOSS and other inquiries concerning oceanographic data and information without hesitation.

< How to ACCESS >

Click this button to display the explanation of data and information.

Click this button to access to each database.


[Oceanographic Data] [Gridded Data] [Information]

[Oceanographic Data]

[access] [information] Serial Station Data
(Water samplers, STD, CTD, BT)
[access] [information] Ocean Current Data
(Ship Drift, GEK, Shipboard ADCP)
[access] [information] Tide Data (hourly height data)
[access] [information] Taxonomic Code
[access] [information] Marine Organisms Observation Data
[access] [information] 500m Mesh Depth-sounding Data
[access] [information] Mooring Observation Data
[access] [information] MGD77 Data (Bathymetry, Geomagnetism, Gravity)

[Gridded Data]

[access] [information] Statistical Analyzed Result :
Water Temperature
[access] [information] Statistical Analyzed Result :
[access] [information] Atlas of Temperature and Salinity
[access] [information] Statistical Analyzed Result :
Ocean Current


[access] [information] Oceanographic Research List of Japan
(National Oceanographic Programs (NOP)
[access] [information] Cruise Summary Report (CSR)
[access] IOC Publications
[access] [information] Oceanographic Abbreviation/Acronym Dictionary

GOOS : Global Ocean O bservation System
NEAR-GOOS : North East Asia Region - GOOS

Please inform us at the following address if you have any questions or comments.