GESAMP Reports and Studies
Last Updated: November 15, 2013
No. Year Title Published by Received Digital File Note
82 2010 Proceedings of the GESAMP International Workshop on micro-plastic particles as a vector in transporting persistent, bio-accumulating and toxic substances in the oceans, 28-30th June 2010, UNESCO-IOC, Paris UNESCO-IOC    192205e.pdf (2.3MB)  
79 2009 Pollution in the open oceans: a review of assessments and related studies UNESCO-IOC    GESAMP79.pdf (778KB)  
77 2007 Report of the thirty-fourth session of GESAMP, Paris, 8-11 May 2007 UNESCO-IOC    159792e.pdf (1.3MB)  
76 2008 Assessment and communication of risks in coastal aquaculture FAO   i0035e.pdf (6.8MB)  
75 2007 Estimations of oil entering the marine environment from sea-based activities IMO   gesamp-estimates-of-oil-entering-marine-environment-2007.pdf (2.5MB)  
  2005 The New GESAMP: Science for Sustainable Oceans IMO   newGESAMP.pdf (891KB)  
74 2003 Report of the 33rd Session of GESAMP FAO 2004/3/5 GESAMP-74-fulltext.pdf (823KB)  
73 2002 Report of the 32nd Session of GESAMP  IMO     under preparation
72 2002 Report of the Thirty-first session of GESAMP, New York, 13-17 August 2001 UN 2002/ GESAMP_No_72.pdf (368KB)  
71 2001 Protecting the Oceans from Land-based Activities UNEP 2001/4/9 report71.pdf (2.7MB)  
70 2001 A Sea of Troubles UNEP 2001/4/9 report70.pdf (2MB)  
69 2000 Report of the Thirtieth Session IAEA 2001/4/9 report69.pdf (2.6MB)  
68 2001 Planning and Management for Sustainable Coastal Aquaculture Development FAO   Y1818e00.pdf (742KB)  
67 2002 Report of the Twenty-ninth Session IMO 2000/6/6    
66 1998 Report of the Twenty-eighth Session WMO 1999/4/27    
65 1997 Towards safe and effective use of chemicals in coastal aquaculture FAO  1998/4/13 r65e.pdf (315KB)  
64 2002 Hazard assessment of ships' cargoes: Review of GESAMP Reports and Studies No.35 IMO 2002/ GESAMP64.pdf (5.2MB)  
63 1997 Report of the Twenty-seventh Session UNEP 1997/12/16    
62 1997 Marine Biodiversity: patterns, threats and conservation needs IMO 1997/12/16 GESAMP_62.pdf (334KB)  
61 1996 The contributions of science to integrated coastal management FAO  1997/3/2 GESAMP61.pdf (902KB)  
60 1996 Report of the Twenty-sixth Session IOC  1996/12/9 ggesamp26.pdf (123KB)  
59 1995 The sea-surface microlayer and its role in global change WMO  1996/1/16    
58 1997 Opportunistic settlers and the problem of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi invasion in the Black Sea IMO 1997/7/18    
57 1996 Monitoring the ecological effects of coastal aquaculture wastes FAO 1997/1/17 link to Webpage  
56 1995 Report of the Twenty-fifth Session FAO 1996/1/16    
55 1995 Biological indicators and their use in the measurement of the condition of the marine environment UNEP 1995/8/16    
54 1994 Guidelines for Marine Environmental Assessments IMO 1995/2/6    
53 1994 Report of the Twenty-fourth Session UN 1994/11/21    
52 1993 Anthropogenic Influences on Sediment Discharge to the Coastal Zone and Environmental Consequences IOC 1995/8/14 097400eb.pdf (3.3MB)  
51 1993 Report of the Twenty-third Session IMO 1994/3/28    
50 1993 Impact of Oil and Related Chemicals and Wastes on the Marine Environment IMO 1994/1/10    
49 1992 Report of the Twenty-second Session IAEA no record    
  1991 GESAMP: Two Decades of Accomplishments IMO no record    
48 1991 Global Changes and the Air-Sea Exchange of Chemicals WMO 1992/6/1    
47 1991 Reducing Environmental Impacts of Coastal Aquaculture FAO   R47e.pdf (194KB)  
46 1991 Review of Potentially Harmful Substances: Carcinogens WHO 1992/6/1    
45 1991 Global Strategies for Marine Environmental Protection IMO  1992/6/1    
45 1992 Addendum 1: Can there be a common framework for managing radioactive and non-radioactive substances to protect the marine environment? IMO 1992/6/1    
44 1991 Report of the Twenty-first Session WHO no recordn 090197eb.pdf (1.7MB)  
43 1990 Coastal Modelling IAEA 1992/8/19 090196eb.pdf (6.9MB)  
42 1990 Review of Potentially Harmful Substances. Choosing Priority Organochlorines for Marine Hazard Assessment FAO   090195eb.pdf (627KB)  
41 1990 Report of the Twentieth Session WMO  1991/3/19    
40 1989 Long-Term Consequences of Low-Level Marine Contamination - An Analytical Approach FAO 1991/1/7    
39 1990 The State of the Marine Environment UNEP 1990/5/24    
38 1989 The Atmospheric Input of Trace Species to the World Ocean WMO 1990/5/24    
37 1989 Report of the Nineteenth Session UNEP  no record    
36 1989 Pollutant Modification of Atmospheric and Oceanic Processes and Climate: Some Aspects of the Problem WMO       
35 1990 The Evaluation of the Hazards of Harmful Substances Carried by Ships: Revision of GESAMP Reports and Studies No. 17 IMO  1989/12/6    
34 1990 Review of Potentially Harmful Substances. Nutrients UNESCO-IOC  1990/9/27 087287eb.pdf (2.5MB)  
33 1988 Report of the Eighteenth Session UNESCO-IOC 1989/2/14 082944eb.pdf (2.2MB)  
32 1987 Land/Sea Boundary Flux of Contaminants: Contributions from Rivers UNESCO-IOC  1988/4/22 077658eb.pdf (7,.2MB)  
31 1987 Report of the Seventeenth Session FAO 1988/5/19    
30 1986 Environmental Capacity: An Approach to Marine Pollution Prevention FAO 1987/4/27 r30.pdf (430KB)  
29 1986 Review of Potentially Harmful Substances: Organosilicon Compounds (Silanes and Siloxanes) WHO      
28 1986 Review of Potentially Harmful Substances. Arsenic, Mercury and Selenium WHO  1988/9/8    
27 1986 Report of the Sixteenth Session IMO 1987/4/27    
26 1985 Atmospheric Transport of Contaminants into the Mediterranean Region WMO       
25 1985 Report of the Fifteenth Session UN 1987/4/27    
24 1984 Thermal Discharges in the Marine Environment FAO 1984/10/9    
23 1985 Interchange of Pollutants between the Atmosphere and the Oceans (Part II) WMO       
22 1985 Review of Potentially Harmful Substances Cadmium, Lead and Tin WHO  1985/9/26    
21 1984 Report of the Fourteenth Session IAEA 1985/1/4    
20 1984 Marine Pollution Implications of Ocean Energy Development UN  1985/9/26    
19 1983 An Oceanographic Model for the Dispersion of Wastes Disposed of in the Deep Sea IAEA 1983/12/20    
18 1983 Report of the Thirteenth Session WHO 1978/12/20    
17 1982 The Evaluation of the Hazards of Harmful Substances Carried by Ships IMO  1982/12/17    
16 1982 Scientific Criteria for the Selection of Waste Disposal Sites at Sea IMO  1983/12/20    
15 1982 The Review of the Health of the Oceans UNESCO-IOC  no record 052858eb.pdf (4.5MB)  
14 1981 Report of the Twelfth Session WMO  1982/8/11    
13 1980 Interchange of Pollutants between the Atmosphere and the Oceans WMO  1981/1/12    
12 1980 Monitoring Biological Variables Related to Marine Pollution UNESCO-IOC  1981/1/12    
11 1980 Marine Pollution Implications of Coastal Area Development UN  1981/3/1    
10 1980 Report of the Eleventh Session UNEP  1981/2/2    
9 1978 Report of the Tenth Session UNESCO-IOC  1979/4/26    
8 1977 Report of the Ninth Session UN  1978/3/24 032615eb.pdf (1.4MB)  
7 1977 Scientific Aspects of Pollution Arising from the Exploration and Exploitation of the Sea-bed UN  1978/3/24 032612eb.pdf (2.0MB)  
6 1977 Impact of Oil on the Marine Environment IMO  1977/7/20    
5 1976 Principles for Developing Coastal Water Quality Criteria FAO  1977/1/13    
4 1976 Report of the Eighth Session FAO  1977/1/13    
3 1975 Scientific Criteria for the Selection of Sites for Dumping of Wastes into the Sea FAO  1977/5/13 021617eb.pdf (1.9MB)  
2 1976 Review of Harmful Substances UN  1977/7/20 023687eb.pdf (7.3MB)  
1 1975 Report of the Seventh Session IMO  1977/2/7 017471eb.pdf (8.8MB)  
- 1974 Report of the Sixth Session WHO no record    
- 1973 Report of the Fifth Session IAEA no record    
- 1972 Report of the Fourth Session WMO no record    
- 1971 Report of the Third Session FAO no record    
- 1970 Report of the Second Session        
- 1969 Report of the First Session IMO  no record