Hydrocarbon Data File Format

Header-1 Record (Station Environmental Information)

01-02Country CodeIOC country code
03Obs. TypeObservation type - Set to "4"
04-11Cruise No.Cruise number
12-64CommentPlatform name, Institution name, Scientist and others - in plain language
65-69Ref. No.Reference identity number
70-73Consec. No.Consecutive observation number
74-75Card No.Set to "01"
76-77Card TypeSet to "00"
78-80Deck No.Set to "084"

Header-2 Record

01-02Country CodeIOC country code
03Obs. TypeObservation type - Set to "4"
04-10Call SignShip's call sign
11-12PlatformType of platform
13-15InstitutionInstitution code,
Japanese code is here
16QuadrantQuadrant of globe
17-20LatitudeDegrees and minutes
21-25LongitudeDegrees and minutes
26-31DateDate of observation (DDMMYY)
DD : Day , MM : Month ,
YY : Last 2 digits of the year
32-35TimeTime of observation in GMT (Hours and minutes)
36-37Wind Dir.Wind direction in tens of degrees, 00 : Calm
38-39Wind SpeedWind speed in Beaufort scale
40-41Wave PeriodWave period in seconds
42-43Wave Heightsee code table
44Sea StateSea state in WMO code 3700
45-47Air Temp.Air temperature in deg-C to tenths.
To indicate negative temperatures, add 50.0 to the value of the temperature measured and drop the negative sign.
48-50SSTSea surface temperature in deg-C to tenths.
To indicate negative temperatures, add 50.0 to the value of the temperature measured and drop the negative sign.
65-69Ref. No.Reference identity number
70-73Consec. No.Consecutive observation number
74-75Card No.Set to "02"
76-77Card TypeSet to "01"
78-80Deck No.Set to "084"

Data Record

01-02Country CodeIOC country code
03Obs. TypeObservation type - Set to "4"
04-07DepthSampling depth in meters
14U. CodeConcentration unit code
0 : 0.001 mg/liter
1 : 0.001 mg/kg
15-20Sample No.Sample number
21-28Cruise No.Cruise number
29-34Station No.Station number
35-44D. D. F. Ref. No.Data documentation form reference number
45-64RemarkRemarks - in plain language
65-69Ref. No.Reference identity number
70-73Consec. No.Consecutive observation number
74-75Card No.Set to "03"
76-77Card TypeSet to "04"
78-80Deck No.Set to "084"

* deg-C : degree Celsius

Last update : September 24, 1997