IOC Manuals and Guides
Last Updated: November 12, 2013
No. Year Title Received Digital File Note
66 2013 IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic data and Information Management (2013-2016) Electronic version only 223030m.pdf (576KB) Executive summary in French,Spanish,Russian
65 2012 Tsunami preparedness civil protection: good practices guide   220802e.pdf (1.4MB)  
63 2012 The IHO-IOC GEBCO cook book   Link IHO publication B-11
62 2012 A Guide on adaptation options for local decision-makers: guidance for decision making to cope with coastal changes in West Africa   216603e.pdf (2.2MB)  
  216603f.pdf (2.7MB) French
  216603por.pdf (2.7MB) Portuguese
61 2012 Coastal management approaches for sea-level related hazards: case studies and good practices   220397e.pdf (1.7MB)  
60 2011 Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP): data user's manual, first edition 2011 Electronic version only 214501e.pdf (1.5MB)  
How to plan, conduct and evaluate UNESCO/IOC tsunami wave exercises   218967e.pdf (1.2MB)  
  218967s.pdf (1MB) Spanish
57 2011 Reducing and managing the risk of tsunamis Electronic version only 214734e.pdf (2.1MB)  
56 2010 The International thermodynamic equation of seawater, 2010: calculation and use of thermodynamic properties   188170e.pdf (4.4MB)  
55 2010 Microscopic and molecular methods for quantitative phytoplankton analysis   187824e.pdf (4.0MB)  
54 2010
Ocean Data Standards   187831e.pdf (1.3MB) Vol.1 & Vol.2
53 2009 Marine Spatial Plannning, A Step-by-Step Approach toward Ecosystem-based Management 2009/8/20 m053.pdf (1.5MB)  
52 2009 Tsunami risk assessment and mitigation for the Indian Ocean: knowing your tsunami risk – and what to do about it    IOC-M&G-52_eo.pdf (1.8MB)  
51 2008 IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management, 2008-2011   181154e.pdf (502KB)  
50 2009 Guidelines on Hazards Awareness and Risk Mitigation in Integrated Coastal Area Management 2009/8/20 IOC-M&G-50_eo.pdf (2.3MB)  
49 2008 Tsunami preparedness: information guide for disaster planners   160002e.pdf (1.1MB)  
48 2007 Visions for a Sea Change. Report of the First International Workshop on Marine Spatial Planning   153465e.pdf (2.4MB)  
47 2006 Tsunami teacher: an information and resource toolkit, building global capacity to respond to and mitigate tsunamis   DVD  
46 2006 A Handbook for Measuring the Progress and Outcomes of Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management   147313e.pdf (6.3MB)  
45 2003 A Reference guide on the use of indicators for integrated coastal management 2003/7/7 130584e.pdf (1.2MB)  
44 2004 Submarine Groundwater Discharge: Management implications, measurements and effects 2004/3/8 134436e.pdf (2.7MB)  
43 2001 Black Sea Data Management Guide   mg43.pdf (481KB)  
42 2001 Steps and Tools towards Integrated Coastal Area Management 2001/11/22 124596eo.pdf (6.2MB)  
41 2002 IOCINCWIO Identification Guide Book to Potentially Harmful Marine Microalgae 2002/9/9 126624m.pdf (2.6MB)  
40 2000 Guidelines for the study of shoreline change in the western Indian Ocean region 2001/3/8 121963e.pdf (1.5MB)  
38 2000 Guidelines for vulnerability mapping of coastal zones in the Indian Ocean 2000/12/22 guide 38e.pdf (7.2MB)  
37 1998 Post-Tsunami Survey Field Guide 1998/8/27 112675eo.pdf (2.5MB)  
36 1997 Meteodological Guide to Integrated Coastal Zone Management   121249eo.pdf (6.1MB)  
35 1997 IUGG/IOC Time Project: Numerical Method of Tsunami Simulation with the Leap - Frog Scheme 1997/11/27 122367eb.pdf (4MB)  
34 1996 Environmental Design and Analysis in Marine Environmental Sampling 1996/9/24 103684e.pdf (924KB)  
33 1995 Manual on Harmful Marine Microalga 1996/8/26 122021eo.pdf (50MB)  
32 1996 Oceanographic Survey Techniques and Living Resources Assessment Methods 1996/9/24 m032.pdf (1.8MB)  
31 1995 HAB Publication Series, Volume1:Amenesic Shellfish Poisoning 1996/3/4 m031vol1.pdf (108KB)  
1999 MIM Publication Series: Volume 4:Standard Directory Record Structure 1999/8/30 m030vol4.pdf (109KB)  
1994 MIM Publication Series: Volume 3:Standard Directory Record Structure for Organizations,Individuals and their Research Interests 1994/9/12 m030vol3.pdf (157KB)  
1994 MIM Publication Series: Volume 2:Information Networking:The Development of National or Regional Scientific Information Exchange 1994/9/12 m030vol2.pdf (733KB)  
30 Vol.1 1994 MIM Publication Series: Volume 1:Report on Diagnostic Procedures and a Definition of Minimum Requirements for Providing Information Services on a National and/or Regional Level 1994/7/1 m030vol1.pdf (65KB)  
29 1994 Protocols for the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) core measurements. 1995/4/6 m029.pdf (1.3MB)  
28 1993 Nutrient Analysis in  Tropical  Marine Waters, Practical guidance and safety notes for the performance of dissolved micronutrient analysis in sea water with particular reference to tropical waters no record 096330eo.pdf (1.3MB)  
27 1993 Chlorinated Biphenyls in Open Ocean Waters: Sampling, Extraction, Clean-up and Instrumental Determination no record 095373eo.pdf (2.2MB)  
26 1993 Manual of Quality Control Procedures for Validation of Oceanographic Data no record mg26.pdf (1.6MB)  
25 1993 Standard and Reference Materials for Marine Science, Revised Edition 1993/8/24 38921eb.pdf (14MB)  
24 1992 Guide to Satellite Remote Sensing of the Marine Environment no record 092618eo.pdf (8.3MB)  
23 1991 Marine Information Centre Development: An Introductory Manual no record 091091eo.pdf (2.1MB)  
22 1990 GTSPP Real-Time Quality Control Manual 1991/2/6 mg22.pdf (486KB)  
21 1990 Standard and Reference Materials for Marine Science 1990/10/29 087569eb.pdf (10MB) Supersed by No.25
20 1988 Guide to Drifting Data Buoys 1988/10/31 081353eo.pdf (2.9MB)  
19 1988 Guide to IGOSS Specialized Oceanographic Centres (SOCs) 1988/6/10 079564eo.pdf (786KB)  
18 1987 User Guide for the Exchange of Measured Wave Data 1987/10/12 078593eb.pdf (2.6MB)  
1989 GF3: A General Formatting System for Geo-Referenced Data, Vol.6:Quick reference sheets for GF3 and GF3-PROC no record 149521eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
1992 GF3: A General Formatting System for Geo-Referenced Data, Vol.5:Reference manual for the GF3-PROC software 1992/5/29 092646eo.pdf (3.6MB)  
1989 GF3: A General Formatting System for Geo-Referenced Data, Vol.4:User Guide to the GF3-Proc Software no record 149520eo.pdf (1.9MB)  
1996 GF3: A General Formatting System for Geo-Referenced Data, Vol.3:Standard Subsets of GF3 1997/4/16 m017vol03.pdf (297KB)  
1987 GF3: A General Formatting System for Geo-Referenced Data, Vol.2:Technical description of the GF3 format and code tables 1987/9/29 149522eb.pdf (4.3MB)  
1993 GF3: A General Formatting System for Geo-Referenced Data, Vol.1:Introdctory guide to the GF3 formatting system no record m017vol01.pdf (119KB)  
16 Rev.3 1993 Marine Environmental Data Information Referral Catalogue,  (MEDI Catalogue), Third Edition no record 095380mb.pdf (5.4MB)  
15 1985 Procedure for Sampling the Sea-Surface Microlayer 1985/8/29 065956eo.pdf (899KB)  
2006 Manual on Sea-level Measurements and Interpretation, Vol IV : An update to 2006   147773e.pdf (4.4MB) JCOMM Tech. Report No.31
14 Vol.III 2002 Manual on sea level measurement and interpretation, vol. III: Reappraisals and recommendations as of the year 2000 2002/4/8 125129e.pdf (451KB)  
1994 Manual on sea level measurement and interpretation, vol. II: Emerging Technologies   ioc_14ii.pdf (890KB) GOOS Report No.22
1994 Manual on sea level measurement and interpretation, vol. I: Basic procedures   ioc_14i.pdf (2MB) GOOS Report No.19
14 1985 Manual on Sea Level Measurement and Interpretation 1985/8/5 065061eb.pdf (3.5MB)  
13 1984 Manual for Monitoring Oil and Dissolved/Dispersed Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Marine Waters and on Beaches 1984/8/29 060618eb.pdf (1.4MB)  
12 1983 Chemical Methods for use in Marine Environmental Monitoring no record 055950eo.pdf (2.4MB)  
11 1982 The Determination of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Sediments 1982/12/15 052655eb.pdf (1.3MB)  
10 1979 Marine Environmental Data Information Referral Catalogue, (MEDI Catalogue) 1980/2/12 059987mb.pdf (4.8MB) Supersed by No.16
Annex II
1982 Manual on International Oceanographic Data Exchange: ANNEX II : GUIDE FOR RESPONSIBLE NATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA CENTRES no record mg09-annexII.pdf (549B)  
Annex I
1982 Manual on International Oceanographic Data Exchange: ANNEX I :pt.1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION(First Edition)(1980), pt.2 CODE TABLES(First Edition)(1982) 1980/7/7   Supersed by No.17
1991 Manual on International Oceanographic Data Exchange, Revised Edition no record 089591eb.pdf (2.8MB)  
8 1976 Marine Environmental Data Information Referral Catalogue, (MEDI Pilot Catalogue) 1977/5/6   Supersed by No.16
7 1976 Guide to Operational Procedures for the IGOSS Pilot Project on Marine Pollution (Petroleum) Monitoring 1978/3/24 m007.pdf (2.4MB)  
1988 Wave Reporting Procedures for Tide Observers in the Tsunami Warning System, Revised Edition 1988/6/3 059966eo.pdf (1.2MB)  
2008 Guide for establishing a national oceanographic data centre (Second revised edition)   111575e.pdf (432KB)  
1997 Guide for Establishing a National Oceanographic Data Centre (Revised Version) no record m005.pdf (131KB)  
4 1975 Guide to Oceanographic and Marine Meteorological Instruments and Observing Practices no record 059947eo.pdf (4.4MB)  
1999 Guide to Operational Procedures for the Collection and Exchange of IGOSS Data, 3rd Revised Edition 2000/6/6 m003.pdf (255KB)  
2 1976 International Catalogue of Ocean Data Stations 1975/8/27 138875eb.pdf (1.0MB)  
1993 Guide to IGOSS Data Archives and Exchange (BATHY and TESAC), Revised Edition/Second Revised Edition no record 095547eo.pdf (1.6MB)