IOC INF Documents
Last Updated: November 12, 2013
No. Year Title Received Digital File Note
1308 2013 GOOS Regional Policy 2013   i1308_eo.pdf (309KB) GOOS Report No.200, English
  i1308_f.pdf (62KB) GOOS Report No.200, French 
  i1308_s.pdf (324KB) GOOS Report No.200, Spanish
  i1308_r.pdf (157KB) GOOS Report No.200, Russian 
1297 2012 The Ocean data standards and best practices review process (2012 revision): information document Electronic version only 217330e.pdf (627KB)  
1295 2012 Plan of action describing IOC/ICAM regional and global implementation Electronic version only 218785e.pdf (262KB)  
1294 2012 Report of the Ad hoc Advisory Group for the IOC Ocean Sciences Programme Electronic version only 218783e.pdf (305KB)  
1293 2011 IOC/ABE-LOS review: analysis of the questionnaire on the IOC Advisory Body of Experts on Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS) Electronic version only 218782e.pdf (1MB)  
1292 2012 IOC contribution to the Rio+20 process and follow-up Electronic version only 218781e.pdf (308KB)  
1291 2012 Technical report scoping operational oceanography Electronic version only 218780e.pdf (464KB)  
1290 2011 Revised plan for the intersection of UNESCO/IOC programmes related to nutrients: full version; an IOC Nutrients and Coastal Impacts Research Programme (N-CIRP)   211266e.pdf (410KB)  
1287 2011 Adaptation to climate change on oceans and coasts in Africa and small island developing states   211264e.pdf (35KB)  
1286 2011 Progress report on the implementation of the Ocean Sciences Section work plan (2009-2011)   211263e.pdf (198KB)  
1285 2011 WMO-IOC-ICSU World Climate Research Programme (WCRP): year 2011 report   211261e.pdf (100KB)  
A Framework for ocean observing   211260e.pdf (3MB)  
1283 2011 Draft IOC fund-raising strategy Electronic version only 218779e.pdf (132KB)  
1282 2011 IOC's participation in the UN Regular Process for Global Reporting and Assessment of the State of the Marine Environment, including Socio-Economic Aspects   211258e.pdf (37KB)  
1281 2011 Status report on IOC regional activities   211256e.pdf (429KB)  
1280 2011 Towards a Medium-Term Strategy for 2014-2019: perspectives from the Secretariat   211250e.pdf (135KB)  
1279 2011 An Overview of IOC current activities in ocean sciences, observations and services Electronic version only 191718e.pdf (3.0MB)  
1277 2010 IOC-EU cooperation for the governance of EU oceans and seas   190305e.pdf (274KB)  
1276 2010 Empowering Developing Countries to Sustainably Use their Coastal Resources (self-driven capacity-building): closure report on the SIDA funded project   188099e.pdf (993KB)  
1275 2010 Ship-based repeat hydrography: a strategy for a sustained global programme   188145e.pdf (347KB)  
1274 2010 IOC contribution to UNESCO Priority Africa: Overarching objective 2: Mobilizing science knowledge and policy for sustainable development for the biennium 2008-2009   188098e.pdf (168KB)  
1273 2010 Planning and implementation for GOOS   188144e.pdf (241KB)  
1272 2010 2010 IODE Officers Meeting, IOC Project Office for IODE, Ostend, Belgium, 8-11 March 2010   INF1272.pdf (903KB)  
1271 2009 Oceanographic Data and Information Networks for Africa (ODINAFRICA-III): final report, 2004-2009   186905e.pdf (886KB)  
1266 2009 WMO-IOC-ICSU World Climate Research Programme (WCRP): report and review   182778e.pdf (76KB)  
1265 2009 Progress report on WESTPAC activities since its seventh session (May 2008-May 2009)   182988e.pdf (55KB)  
1263 2009 Draft strategy and plan 2009-2010 for the Regional TEWS's within the Framework for a Global Ocean-related Hazards Warning and Mitigation System Framework (GOHWMS) and implementation of TOWS-WG recommendations   182876e.pdf (70KB)  
1261 2009 Coastal eutrophication: linking nutrient sources to coastal ecosystem effects and management: NEWS2USE   182875e.pdf (287KB)  
1260 2009 A Joint ICES-IOC Study Group on Nutrient Standards (SGONS)   182777e.pdf (42KB)  
1259 2009 The Ocean sciences section functions, activities and work plan within the IOC medium term strategy 2008-2013   182965e.pdf (96KB)  
1258 2009 Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS): programme proposal, business plan   182885e.pdf (213KB)  
1257 2009 Progress in the preparation for the 50th anniversary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO   182865e.pdf (45KB)  
1256 2009 An Assessment of Assessments: findings of the Group of Experts pursuant to UNGA Resolution 60/30: summary for decision makers;towards a regular process for global reporting and assessment of the state of the marine environment including socio-economic aspects     Item available at: UNESCO Archives 
1255 2009 African oceans and coasts   185095e.pdf (15.8MB)  
1253 2008 Geosphere-Biosphere Coupling Processes in the Ocean: the Training-through-Research Approach towards Third World Involvement, 2004-2008, (TTR-Flanders project)
UNESCO project 513RAF2005, Final report
  178770e.pdf (3.4MB)  
1252 2008 Progress report on the implementation of the Assessment of Assessments (AOA)   161046e.pdf (309KB)  
1251 2008 Draft strategy on capacity-development for delineation of the outer limits of the continental shelves of Africa coastal states   160816e.pdf (327KB)  
1250 2008 Interaction with the Census of Marine Life (CoML) and other research programmes on marine biodiversity   160490e.pdf (55KB)  
1249 2008 Coastal eutrophication: linking nutrient sources to coastal ecosystem effects and management; the intersection of several UNESCO-IOC programmes related to nutrients   160489e.pdf (0.9MB)  
1248 2008 (Draft) updated Memorandum of Understanding of the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP)   160485e.pdf (48KB)  
1247 2008 Report on the IMO London Convention Scientific Group Meeting on ocean fertilization   160478e.pdf (70KB)  
1245 2008 IOC and UNCLOS: progress report by the Secretariat on the Law of the Sea (2007-2008)   160457e.pdf (67KB)  
1244 2007 Exercise Pacific Wave 06: summary report   162914e.pdf (1.3MB)  
1242 2007 Compilation of relevant references related to the work of IOC, 2004-2007   151090e.pdf (110KB)  
1241 2007 Revised rules of procedure applying to IOC subsidiary bodies (draft)      
1239 2007 Report of the Intersessional Working Group on Regional Programmes and the Role of IOC Regional Subsidiary Bodies   150951e.pdf (125KB)  
1238 2007 Future development of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU global climate observing system (GCOS)   151052e.pdf (53KB)  
1237 2007 Improving the IOC's performance management system: tsunami reporting as a pilot project      
1236 2007 Improving the IOC's performance management system: IODE; reporting as a pilot project   150945e.pdf (187KB)  
1235 2007 Summary report of the first Meeting of the Advisory Group for the IOC Ocean Sciences Section (OSS)   151030e.pdf (163KB)  
1234 2007 Future path of the World Climate Research Programme, relevance to IOC, and the proposed WCRP budget and extra-budgetary resources sought for 2008-2009   150944e.pdf (74KB)  
1229 2006 Report on capacity-development activities, July 2005 to May 2006   150943e.pdf (103KB)  
1222 2007 Procedure for the application of article 247 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO; Marine scientific research: a guide to the implementation of the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 2008/3/7 157009m.pdf (1.2MB)  
1221 2006 Tsunami glossary   147557e.pdf (6.9MB)  
1220 2006 A Coastal theme for the IGOS partnership: for the monitoring of our environment from space and from earth   145874e.pdf (2.5MB)  
1219 2005 Assessment of capacity building requirements for an effective and durable tsunami warning and mitigation system in the Indian Ocean; consolidated report for countries affected by the 26 December 2004 Tsunami   144508e.pdf (6.2MB)  
1217 2005 An implementation strategy for the coastal module of the Global Ocean Observing System   141242e.pdf (6.1MB) GOOS Report No.148
1215 2005 Report of the Joint FAO/IOC/WHO ad hoc Expert Consultation on Biotoxins in Bivalve Molluscs: short summary   139421e.pdf (61KB)  
1214 2005 Progress with the initial ocean climate observing system: a report to the UNFCCC   139422e.pdf (800KB) GOOS Report No.146
1212 2005 The Implementation plan for IOC capacity-building   139728e.pdf (316KB)  
1211 2005 IOC principles and strategy for capacity-building   139420e.pdf (589KB)  
1210 2005 Report of the First Inter-Agency Meeting of UN-Oceans   139667e.pdf (53KB)  
1209 2005  Report by JCOMM co-presidents on recent activities, 2005   139467e.pdf (244KB)  
1208 2005 Progress report and proposed terms of reference for the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project   139666e.pdf (32KB)  
1207 2005  Background, progress, and future directions for the WMO/IOC/ICSU World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)    139668e.pdf (45KB)  
1206 2005  IOC Ocean Sciences Section: overview and expected results, 2005    139452e.pdf (66KB)  
1205 2005 GEOSS ten-year implementation plan; EOS III resolution; and Communiqué relating to support for tsunami & multi-hazard warning systems   139522e.pdf (219KB)  
1204 2005 Audit report on the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC): special account and controls generally; summary   139456e.pdf (50KB)  
1203 2005 IOC criteria and guidelines on the transfer of marine technology   139193m.pdf (961KB)  
1202 2008 Meeting of the Officers of the International Co-ordination Group for the Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific (ICG/ITSU), 6-10 December 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA    INF-1202.pdf (835KB)  
1200 2004 From observation to action: achieving comprehensive, coordinated and sustained earth observations for the benefits of humankind; framework for a 10-year implementation plan   135223e.pdf (52KB)  
1199 2004 Report of the ad hoc Session of the JCOMM/IODE Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP) held in Ostende, Belgium on 8 May 2004    ETDMP_adhoc_2004.pdf (191KB)  
1198 2004 Proposal to investigate marine impacts on lowland agriculture and coastal resources (MILAC)   134988e.pdf (44KB)  
1197 2004 Caring for the sea: accomplishments, activities and future of the United Nations GESAMP   135582eo.pdf (872KB)  
1195 2004 GCOS second adequacy report and implementation plan: background   134987e.pdf (32KB)  
1193 2005 Guidelines for the structure and responsibilities of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission, and for the establishment of decentralized offices   139667e.pdf (244KB)  
1192 2003 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO: Medium-term Strategy, 2004-2007   135658m.pdf (299KB)  
1191 2003 First Session of the Task Team on the Development of an IOC Strategic Plan for Oceanographic Data and Information Management, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 23 June 2003    inf1191.pdf (331KB)  
1190 2003 A Report on the status of the GLOSS programme and a proposal for taking the programme forward   130292e.pdf (743KB)  
1189 2003 Report of the POGO/IOC/SCOR initiative for intelligent use and management of the oceans   130273e.pdf (37KB)  
1187 2003 IODE Project Office: business plan   130321e.pdf (225KB)  
1185 2003 Report of the GOOS review panel on the structure, mandates and modus operandi of GOOS 2003/6/11 130286e.pdf (384KB) GOOS Report No.128
1184 2003 The UNESCO Bilko Project: developing training capability for coastal and marine remote sensing   130154e.pdf (795KB)  
1183 2003 The Integrated, Strategic Design Plan for the Coastal Ocean Observations Module of the Global Ocean Observing System 2003/7/23 130523e.pdf (1.3MB) GOOS Report No.125
1180 2003 Terms of reference for the programme elements in the structure of IOC Ocean Science Section: draft   129214e.pdf (65KB)  
1179 2003 The Flanders UNESCO Trust Fund (FUST 1999-2003) Evaluation Report, (August 2002)   INF1179.pdf (405KB)  
1178 2002 Steering Team of the Oceans Information Technology Pilot Project (ST-OIT), First Session, Hosted by Research and Development Department, Scientific Technical and Cultural Affairs (OSTC), Belgium, Brussels, Belgium, 29 November 2002   INF1178.pdf (1.2MB)  
1177 2002 Informal Session of the JCOMM Expert Team on Data Management Practices (ETDMP), Hosted by Research and Development Department, Scientific Technical and Cultural Affairs (OSTC), Belgium, Brussels, Belgium
28 November 2002
  INF1177.pdf (585KB)  
1176 2003 Black Sea GOOS Strategic Action and Implementation Plan 2004/1/29 132641e.pdf (1.2MB) GOOS Report No.133
1175 2002 Second session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, 17-18 June 2002 2002/9/9 130096e.pdf (179KB)  
1174 2002 An Intra-Americas Sea Tsunami Warning System project proposal   125772e.pdf (160KB)  
1173 2002 A Global ocean carbon observation system: a background report 2002/9/9 127070e.pdf (538KB) GOOS Report No.118
1171 2002 ODINAFRICA: progress report   125881e.pdf (113KB)  
1170 2002 The Case for IOCARIBE-GOOS: A Strategic Plan   GOOS_115_IOCAR_GOOS_StrtPlan.pdf (316KB) GOOS Report No.115
1169 2002 The African process for the development and protection of the marine and coastal environment in Sub-saharan Africa   125648e.pdf (71KB)  
1168 2002 GOOS Data & information Management Strategy & Plan 2002/4/5 125141e.pdf (295KB) GOOS Report No.103
1167 2002 The Final design plan for the HOTO module of GOOS 2002/3/25 125135e.pdf (773KB) GOOS Report No.99
1166 2001 Rules of procedure (of the IOC) 2002/4/11 125186m.pdf (366KB)  
1165 2002 Position paper on the status of GLOSS in Africa  contributed to the GOOS-AFRICA Meeting  19-23 November 2001  Nairobi  Kenya   125140e.pdf (266KB)  
1163 2001 First Session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy  First Session  Brussels  Belgium  29-31 May 2001   i1163.pdf (131KB)  
1161 2001 The Joint communication of the Chairpersons of the five scientific programmes of UNESCO and the views of the Executive Board at its 161st session (May-June 2001)   123006mo.pdf (1.1MB)  
1160 2001 Implementation strategy for capacity building for the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) no record 125253e.pdf (188KB) GOOS Report No.106
1159 2001 The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) regional groups: a discussion paper 2001/9/25 i1159.pdf (47KB) GOOS Report No.101
1158 2001 Principles of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Capacity Building 2001/9/25 GOOS_069_CB_princ.pdf (81KB) GOOS Report No.69
1156 2001 Meeting of the IOC Intersessional Intergovernmental Working Group on the second session of the UN Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea  Lisbon  30-31 March  2001: summary report   122942eo.pdf (1.1MB)  
1155 2001 IOC Ocean Science Section: a basis for restructuring   123067eo.pdf (3.9MB)  
1154 2001 Publications from the GIPME Open Ocean Baseline Study   123063eo.pdf (368KB)  
1153 2001 Report of the IOC Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping (CGOM) to the 21st session of the IOC Assembly  Paris  3-13 July 2001   123010eo.pdf (2.6MB)  
1152 2001 Meeting of the Officers of the International Co-ordination Group for the Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific (ICG/ITSU)  6-9 February 2001  Honolulu  Hawaii  USA; summary report   123061eo.pdf (1.9MB)  
1150 2001 Strategic Design Plan for the IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU-FAO Living Marine Resources Panel of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) - Tracking Change in Marine Ecosystems 2001/9/25 i1150.pdf (1.3MB) GOOS Report No.94
1148 2000 Statutes (of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission  IOC) 2001/4/11 124367m.pdf (366KB)  
1147 2000 Arctic tide gauge: a status Report 2001/5/1 i1147.pdf (939KB)  
1146 2000 Strategic Design Plan for the Coastal Component of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS); October 2000  2001/5/2 i1146.pdf (670KB) GOOS Report No.90
1145 2000 First Consultative Meeting of the IOC/IODE Strategy Group of Experts, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 1-2 December 1998    i1145.pdf (27KB)  
1144 2000 Meeting of the ad hoc Working Group on Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 15-17 May  2000    INF1144rev.pdf (401KB)  
1143 2000 Continuity of high accuracy satellite altimetry through Jason-1 and Jason-2   120603eo.pdf (230KB)  
1142 2000 GOOS Status Report 1999 2000/8/29 GOOS_081_Status_99.pdf (421KB) GOOS Report No.81
1141 2000 Report of the International Seminar on the Organization of the IOC/UNESCO Floating University Project in the Caspian Sea  Astrakhan  Russian Federation  22-23 November 1999   120419eo.pdf (581KB)  
1140 2000 Programme on assessment and management implications of submarine groundwater discharge into the coastal zone   120145eo.pdf (2.7MB)  
1139 2000 Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean: summary report of the POGO Inaugural Meeting  la Jolla  California  USA  1-3 December 1999   120613e.pdf (98KB)  
1138 2000 Summary report on a JCOMM/GOOS Polar Region Strategy  Geneva  6-8 December 1999   120418eo.pdf (1.7MB)  
1137 2000 OceanObs99 Conference Statement   120594eo.pdf (2.7MB)  
1134 2000 IGOS Ocean Theme paper   120554eo.pdf (1.8MB)  
1133 2000 CO2 disposal in the oceans;Direct experiments on the ocean disposal of fossil fuel CO2   120604eo.pdf (488KB)  
1132 2000 INTERNATIONAL OCEAN ASSESSMENT REPORT    120602eo.pdf (255KB)  
1131 2000 Project Proposal on storm surges disaster reduction for the northern part of the Indian Ocean   i1131.pdf (283KB)  
1127 1999 Global physical ocean observations for GOOS/GCOS: an action plan for existing bodies and mechanisms. July 1999. Prepared by the interim Implementation Advisory Group (IAG) 2000/6/1 126052eo.pdf (7.5MB) GOOS Report No.66
1126 1999 Intra-Americas Sea Tsunami Warning System: education  warning  management and research; draft project proposal   111349eo.pdf (1.5MB)  
1125 1999 Joint IOC/UNIDO Workshop on Marine Debris/Waste Management for the Gulf of Guinea: summary report   116508eo.pdf (1.6MB)  
1124 1999 Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific. Master Plan. 2nd edition  no record 117788eo.pdf (6.2MB)  
1123 1999 Relevant excerpts of the fourth Conference of the Parties (CP.4) to the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC)   115895eb.pdf (465KB)  
1122 1999 Report of the IOC Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping (CGOM) to the 20th session of the IOC Assembly  Paris  29 June to 9 July 1999   116352eo.pdf (3MB)  
1121 1999 Ocean Science in relation to Non-living Resources (OSNLR) Group of Experts Meeting: summary report   116279eo.pdf (626KB)  
1115 1999 International Co-ordination Group for the Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific (ICG/ITSU) Officers Meeting: summary report 1999/6/3 116086eo.pdf (1.6MB)  
1113 1998 Status report on existing ocean elements and related systems (April 1998) 1999/6/3 116303eo.pdf (7MB) GOOS Report No.59
1111 2000 National Oceanographic Program of Japan  Planned for April 2000-March 2001 2001/6/8    
1110 1998 GIPME activities  1997-1998: summary report   113381eo.pdf (349KB)  
1109 1998 National Oceanographic Programmes  Argentina  1997 and 1998 1998/7/20    
1108 1998 Baltic Sea Research Institute Warnemude  Cruise Report of Germany  Cruise No.44/98/07/ R/V A.V. Humboldt  Monitoring Cruise 4 to 21 May 1998  1998/7/20    
1107 1998 Cruise Report of Germany  R/V Meteor  Cruise No.42-16.06-25.10 1998 East Atlantic 98 1998/7/7    
1106 1998 Freanch Oceanographic Programme for 1998 and Chief Scientists Addresses 1998/7/7    
1105 1998 Australia: Cruise Plans R/V Franklin (FR 07/98 & FR 06/98)  Research Plan R/V Franklin (FR03/98)  Cruise Summaries R/V Franklin (FR 03/98 & FR 02/98)  Cruise Summaries R/V Franklin (FR 11/97  FR 10/97 & FR 09/97) 1998/7/7    
1102 1998 IODE OFFICERS MEETING  10-13 February 1998  Goa  India 1998/8/27 i1102.pdf (184KB)  
1101 1998 National Oceanographic Programme  the Republic of Korea  1998 1998/6/8    
1100 1998 Cruise Programmes 1998  United Kingdom Resaerch Vessels 1998/6/8    
1099 1998 National Oceanographic Programme  Turkey  1998 1998/6/8    
1098 1998 Baltic Sea Research Institute Warnemude  Cruise Report of Germany  Cruise No.44/98/04 and 44/98/02 R/V A.V. Humboldt  Monitoring Cruises 19 to 31 March 1998 and 5 to 23 Feb 1998 Kiel Bight to northern Gotland Sea  1998/6/8    
1097 1998 Australia: Cruise Plans R/V Franklin (FR 04/98  FR 02/98  FR 10/97  FR 11/97)  TROPICS97 Cruise Summary R/V Franklin (FR06/97)  Research Summary R/V Franklin (FR 08/97) 1998/6/8    
1096 1998 National Oceanographic Programes  Argentina  1995 and 1996 1998/6/8    
1094 1998 National Oceanographic Programme  Sweden  1998 1998/5/11    
1093 1998 Cruise Report of Germany  Cruise No.41 R/V Meteor  Geo Bremen/GPI Kiel South Atlantic 13 Feb to 13 June 1998 1998/5/11    
1091 1998 Strategic plan and principles for the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS); version 1.0   112202eo.pdf (2.7MB) GOOS Report No.41
1090 1998 Cruise Report of the Baltic Sea Research Institute  Germany  1997  No.44/97/16 R/V A.V.Hmuboldt  Monitoring Cruise 23 October to 9 November 1997  Kiel Bight to northern Gotland Basin 1998/2/2    
1089 1998 Oceanographic Programme of Brazil  planned for 1998 1998/2/2    
1088 1998 Australia: Cruise Plan R/V Franklin (FR01/98) 1998/2/2    
1087 1997 Cruise Report of the Baltic Sea Research Institute  Germany  1997  No.40  Mediterranean Sea 1997/98 1997/11/17    
1086 1997 Operational manual version 1.0 for NEAR-GOOS Data Exchange 1997/11/27 109664eo.pdf (1.2MB) GOOS Report No.31
1085 1997 Cruise Report of the Baltic Sea Research Institute  Germany  1997  No.40/97/16 R/V Professor Albrecht Penck  Monitoring Cruise 26 July to 13 August 1997  Pomeranian Bight and Kiel Bight to northern Gotland Basin 1997/11/17    
1084 1998 MEDAR/MEDATLAS Meeting: summary report   113332eo.pdf (4.6MB)  
1083 1997 Australia: Cruise Plan R/V Franklin (FR08/97 and FR09/97) and Cruise Summaries - TROPICS97 R/V Franklin (FR04/97 and FR05/97) 1997/9/1    
1082 1997 National Oceanographic Programmes  Argentina  1997 and 1996 1997/8/14    
1081 1998 National Oceanographic Programme  Japan  Planned for April 1997-March 1998 1998/1/13    
1080 1997 Australia: Cruise Plan - TROPICS97 R/V Franklin (FR07/97) and R/V Franklin Research Schedule and Pojects for 1998 1997/7/2    
1077 1997 Australia: Cruise Plan - TROPICS97 R/V Franklin (FR5/97 and FR04/97) and Cruise Summary R/V Franklin (FR03/97) 1997/6/23    
1076 1997 National Oceanographic Programme of the Republic of Korea  1997 1997/6/23    
1075 1997 Summary of Ship-of-Opportunity Programmes   109216eo.pdf (6.7MB)  
1074 1997 Fourth Meeting of the SOOPIP Ad hoc Task Team on Quality Control for Automated Systems (TT/QCAS): summary report   109218eo.pdf (3.8MB)  
1072 1997 Status report on existing ocean elements and related systems (April 1997) 1997/11/27 110308eo.pdf (7.1MB) GOOS Report No.32
1071 1997 The Alliance between GIPME and the HOTO module of GOOS   109004eo.pdf (943KB)  
1069 1997 Oceanographic Cruises  Colombia 1997/6/23    
1068 1997 Cruise report of the Baltic Sea resaerch Institute  germany  1997  N0.44/97/06 R/V Professor Albrecht Penck  No.44/97/02 R/V A.V.Humbolbt 1997/6/23    
1067 1997 National Oceanographic Programme  Turkey  1997 1997/6/23    
1066 1997 National Oceanographic Programme  Finland  1997 1997/6/23    
1063 1997 Report of the Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping (CGOM) to the nineteenth session of the IOC Assembly   108823eo.pdf (2.2MB)  
1062 1997 IOC/UNEP/IUCN Global coral reef monitoring network (GCRMN): strategic plan 1997/10/27 108817eo.pdf (1.2MB)  
1061 1997 GLOSS Implementation Plan 1997   112650eo.pdf (10.8MB) GOOS Report No.52
1060 1997 Proposed programme orientation of OSNLR   108826eo.pdf (136KB)  
1057 1997 Cruise Programmes 1998  United Kingdom Resaerch Vessels and Minitary Survey Vessels 1997/3/7    
1056 1997 National Oceanographic Programme  Sweden  1997 1997/3/7    
1055 1997 Draft IOC guidelines for the application of article 247 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea   108803eo.pdf (780KB)  
1054 1997 Draft IOC principles on transfer of marine technology   108804eo.pdf (354KB)  
1051 1997 Report on IOC activities in support of the integrated coastal area management  1996-1997   108824eo.pdf (1.5MB)  
1049 1997 Cruise Report of Australia  1997  R/V Franklin FR02/9  FR01/97 1997/2/13    
1048 1997 Cruise Report of the Baltic Sea Resaerch Institute  Germany  1997  No.44/97/01 R/V  A.V.Humbolbt  1996 No.44/96/15 R/V  A.V.Humbolbt 1997/2/13    
1047 1997 Brazilian Oceanographic Programme  1997 1997/2/13    
1045 1997 Sumaries of Contributions Presented at the Workshop on West African Fishries Organized during the Advanced Course on Upwelling Systems (Atlantic Oceaan Eastern Boundary)  A Jointed Effort from IOC and the European Union Mast Programme  Las Palmas  Gran Canaria  Spain 9-10 Aug.1995 1997/6/23 121590eo.pdf (4.4MB)  
1044 1996 A Strategic plan for the assessment and prediction of the Health of the Ocean: a module of the Global Ocean Observing System 1996/11/7 104685e.pdf (434KB) GOOS Report No.17
1043 1996 Report on IOCARIBE evaluation   104893e.pdf (450KB)  
1042 1996 Gestión de sistemas oceanográficos del Pacífico Oriental; informe resumido del taller   108814sb.pdf (336KB) Spanish
1039 1996 First Session of the International Ocean Colour Co-ordination Group (IOCCG)  Toulouse  Fraance  22-23 March 1996  Summary Report 1996/10/17    
1038 1996 National Oceanographic Programe of Australia for 1996  Cruise Reports R/V Franklin FR02 and 03/96  Resaerch Plans FR 04  07 08 and 10/96 1996/7/12    
1037 1996 Cruise Programme of Germany for 1996  R/V Meteor and Cruise Report 1996 of the Baltic Sea Research Institute  No.40/96/09 R/V Professor Albrecht Penck 1996/1/24    
1036 1996 Cruise Programme of the Netherlands for 1996 andd Cruise report for 1995 1996/1/24    
1035 1996 Summary report of the first session of the Open-ended Intersessional Working Group on IOC's Possible Role in relation to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (IOC-LOS)   108812eo.pdf (1.3MB)  
1034 1996 National Oceanographic Programme of the Republic of Korea  1996 1996/6/19    
1033 1996 Joint IOC-WMO Steering Group on Global Temperature-Salinity Pilot Project. Fourth Session  Washington DC  USA  16-19 April 1996. Summary report 1997/3/3 i1033.pdf (2.5MB)  
1032 1996 National Oceanographic Programme of Finland for 1996 1996/6/19    
1031 1996 Flanklin Research Schedule 1997  Reaserch Plans 1996 and Cruise Reports 1995 of the CSIRO  Australia 1996/6/19    
1030 1996 National Oceanographic programme of Turkey 1996 1996/6/19    
1029 1996 National Oceanographic Programme of Germany for 1996 and Cruise Reports 1996 of the Baltic Sea Research Institute 1996/6/19    
1028 1996 Towards operational oceanography: the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) no record 112439eo.pdf (1.3MB) GOOS Report No.16
1025 1995 National Oceanographic Prograamme of Norway  Toktprogram 1996 1996/6/19    
1024 1996 United Kingdom  Research and Hydrographic Survey Vessels  Cruise Programmes 1996 1996/6/19    
1023 1996 National Oceanographic Programme of Brazil  Planned for 1996 1996/2/16    
1022 1996 National Oceanographic Programme of Germany for 1996  Research Vessel Meteor  Cruise No.34 1996/2/16    
1021 1996 Summary of Ship-of-Opportunity programmes and technical reports   111607eo.pdf (10.2MB)  
1020 1995 National Oceanographic Programme of Brazil  Planned for 1995 1995/12/27    
1019 1995 National Oceanographic Programme of Australia for 1996  Franklin  Research Schedule 1995/12/27    
1017 1995 Third session of the Task Team on Quality Control Procedures for Automated Systems: summary report   106340e.pdf (798KB)  
1014 1995 Programme Oceanographique National de la France - Exercice 1995  Programmation des navires 1995/10/10    
1013 1995 National Oceanographic Programme of Australia for 1995 1995/10/10    
1012 1995 National Oceanographic Programme of Argentina for 1994 and 1995 1995/10/10    
1011 1995 National Oceanographic Programme of Germany for 1995 1995/10/3    
1010 1995 National Oceanographicc Programme pf China for 1995 1995/10/3    
1009 1995 National Oceanographic Programme of Sweden for 1995 1995/10/3    
1006 1995 National Oceanographic Programme  Oceanic(USA)  1995 1995/6/12    
1005 1995 National Oceanographic Programme  United Kingdom  1995 1995/6/12    
1004 1995 National Oceanographic Programme  Turkey  1995 1995/6/12    
1003 1995 National Oceanographic Programme  Republic of Korea  1995 1995/6/12    
1002 1995 National Oceanographic Programme  India  June 1995-July 1997 1995/6/12    
1001 1995 National Oceanographic Programme  Finland  1995 1995/6/12    
1000 1995 National Oceanographic Programme  Australia  1995 1995/6/12    
998 1995 Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS) Composition of IGOSS 1995/11/10    
994 1995 ASFA: The first twenty years. An outline history of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts  1971-1990 1996/4/15 i0994.pdf (891KB)  
992 1994 Global Ocean Observing System  Status Report on Existing Ocean Elements and Related Systems no record 100303eb.pdf (2.6MB) GOOS Report No.47
984 1994 Guidelines for the presentation of IOC publications and reports   098672eb.pdf (615KB)  
983 1994 Cruise Report No.4/94  R/V Prof.Albrecht Penck  Monitoring Cruise 08/94  2-15 August 1994  Kiel Bight to Eastern Gotland Basin 1994/11/2    
982 1994 National Oceanographic Programme Argentina for 1993 and 1994 1994/11/2    
981 1994 National Oceanographic Programme  Turkey  1994 1994/11/2    
980 1994 National Oceanographic Programme  Sweden  1994 1994/11/2    
979 1994 Third Session of the IOC-WMO Steering Group on the GTSPP, Ottawa. Canada, 15-19 November 1993: Summary Report 1994/10/19    
978 1995 Report of the IOC/WESTPAC nutrient intercalibration exercise, 1993   099806eb.pdf (459KB)  
976 1994 Report from the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR)   097398eb.pdf (641KB)  
975 1994 National Oceaanographic Programme  Finland  1994 1994/7/11    
974 1994 Oceanic research Ship Schedule ass of May 20 1994 1994/7/11    
973 1994 IODE Handbook 1995/4/18 140501eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
971 1994 Oceanic Research Ship Schedule as of 15 Nov 1993 1994/6/29    
970 1994 National Oceanographic Programme  France 1994 1994/6/29    
969 1994 National Oceanographic Programme  Brazil 1994 1994/6/29    
968 1994 National Oceanographic Programme  Australia 1994 1994/6/29    
967 1994 National Oceanographic Programme  Canada  1994 1994/6/29    
966 1994 National Oceanographic Programme  Korea  1994 1994/6/29    
964 1994 WMO/ICSU/IOC World Climate Research Programme   097397eb.pdf (231KB)  
960 1994 IOC Titles and Acronyms 1994/6/29 097124mb.pdf (10MB)  
959 1994 Report of First sesion of ACC Sub-Committee on Oceans and Coastal Areas, Rome, 19-21 April 1994    097410eb.pdf (447KB)  
958 1993 Global Ocean Observing System  Status Report on Existing Ocean Elements and Related Systems 1994/5/25 096458eb.pdf (2.5MB) GOOS Report No.46
957 1994 Workplan and progress report on the Co-operative Marine Science Programme for the Black Sea, 1993-1994   097396eb.pdf (816KB)  
956 1994 Information and Guidelines for Participants in the Twenty-seventh Session of the Executive Council 1994/5/9    
954 1994 Sea Level Monitoring in the Small Island Developing States 1994/7/1    
953 1993 National Oceanographic Programme Greece  1993 1994/1/4    
952 1993 Oceanograficos Nacionales Colombia 1993&1994 1994/1/4    
951 1993 National Oceanographic Programme Germany 1993 1994/1/4    
950 1993 National Oceanographic Programme Canada 1993 1994/1/4    
945 1993 Summary Report of the Meeting on Modern Formats  Copenhagen  Demark  11-14 May 1993 1993/11/22    
943 1995 OceanPC manual. Software for management and international exchange of oceanographic data   i0943.pdf (273KB)  
942 1993 Assessment and Monitoring of Large Marine Ecosystems 1993/10/22 095632eb.pdf (2.5MB)  
940 1993 National Oceanographic Programme USA 1993 1993/1/18    
939 1993 National Oceanographic Programme Sweden 1993 1993/1/18    
938 1993 National Oceanographic Programme New Zealand  1993  1993/1/18    
932 1993 IGOSS Task Team on Quality Control of Automated Systems  Geneva  19-21 Oct. 1992  Summary Report 1993/9/29 095371eb.pdf (1.1MB)  
931 1993 National Oceanographic Programme Korea 1993  1993/5/6    
929 1993 Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS)  Composition of IGOSS no record    
928 1993 National Oceanographic Programme Peru 1992 1993/5/6    
927 1993 National Oceanographic Programme Turkey 1993 1993/5/6    
926 1993 Overview on activities of the International Arctic Science Committee: IASC   097915eb.pdf (482KB)  
923 1993 Report of Ad Hoc Panel for the Health of the Ocean Module of GOOS; Paris; 1993    097839eb.pdf (2.1MB) GOOS Report No.13
918 1993 Programas Oceanograficos Nacionales Argentina 1992&1993(proyeccion) 1993/1/18    
917 1993 Report on the Activities of World Data Centers (Oceanography  Marine Geology and Geophysics)  Responsible National Oceanographic Data Centers (RNODCs)  National Oceanographic Data Centers (NODCs) no record 097770eb.pdf (5.7MB)  
916 1993 National Oceanographic Programme Brazil  1993 (planned) no record    
915 1993 Report of the IOC Blue Ribbon Panel for a Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS): the Case for GOOS no record 097767eb.pdf (3.1MB) GOOS Report No.51
913 1992 Extracts from UNCED report relevant to TEMA for the sixth session of the IOC Committee for Training, Education and Mutual Assistance   097835eb.pdf (1.8MB)  
911 1992 Summary report of IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Mediterranean and its Geological/Geophysical Series; Trieste, Italy; 1992    097827eb.pdf (460KB)  
910 1992 IOC Technical Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange; 14th session; Paris; 1992    097828eb.pdf (1.0MB)  
908 1992 IOC-UNEP-WMO Pilot Activity on Sea-level Changes and Associated Coastal Impacts  Draft Action Plan for Implementation in the Indian Ocean no record    
906 1993 Executive summary of Scientific Workshop on the Results of the RV Mount Mitchell Cruise; Kuwait; 1993    097920eb.pdf (112KB)  
903 1992 National Oceanographic Programme PERU 1989-1991 no record    
902 1993 Global Ocean Observing System: Status Report on Existing Ocean Elements and Related Systems no record 093946eb.pdf (3.3MB) GOOS Report No.45
901 1993 Report of NEP/UNESCO/IOC/WMO/IUCN/SPREP/CARICOMP/PACICOMP Workshop to Organize a Co-ordinated Network of Tropical Marine Labs to Monitor Reef Responses to Global Change; International Coral Reef Symposium; 7th; Guam; 1992    097831eb.pdf (303KB)  
899 1992 Report of the Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping (CGOM) to the seventeenth session of the IOC assembly   097833eb.pdf (1.2MB)  
894 1992 National Oceanographic Programme Germany Cruise Reports:  R/V Humoldt (1992) & R/V Prof. A. Penck (1992) no record    
892 1992 National Oceanographic Programme  People's Republic of the China  1992&1993 no record    
891 1992 National Oceanographic Programme Brazil Cancellation of Research Expeditions for: 1989 1990  1991 1992/7/6    
890 1992 National Oceanographic Programme ECUADOR 1992 1992/7/22    
889 1992 National Oceanographic Programme ARGENTINA 1990-1991 1992/7/6    
888 1992 Summary report of Ad Hoc Meeting of the IGOSS Task Team on Quality Control for Automated Systems; Marion, USA; 1991    097812eb.pdf (4.6MB)  
887 1992 National Oceanographic Programme Turkey 1992 1992/5/15    
886 1992 National Oceanographic Programme Sweden 1992 1992/5/15    
885 1992 National Oceanographic Programme Korea 1992 1992/5/15    
884 1992 Ocean Technology Policies Programme and Projects Indnesia 1992/5/15 097805eb.pdf (125KB)  
883 1992 Ocean transport in the Tasman/Coral seas cruise FR 7/92: dimethyl sulphide in surface and sub-surface waters, Australia, Sept.-Oct. 1992 1992/5/15 097807eb.pdf (142KB)  
882 1992 Oceanographic Ship Schedule for the Southern Surveyor Australia 1992 1992/5/15    
879 1991 Global Ocean Observing System Status Report on Existing Ocean Elements and Related Systems 1992/6/22   GOOS Report No.44
878 1992 Ocean-PC: inventory of software and products for the display and analysis of marine data "The Shoebox" 1992/6/22 097802eb.pdf (723KB)  
877 1992 National Oceanographic Programme  Finland  1992 1992/4/24    
876 1992 National Oceanographic Programme  Portugal  1992 1992/4/24    
875 1992 National Oceanographic Programme  Colombia  1992 1992/4/24    
874 1992 National Oceanographic Programme  Canada  1991-1992 1992/4/24    
873 1991  The Ocean and human future   091192eb.pdf (1.3MB)  
872 1992 Oceanographic Programme of Brazil  planned for 1992 1992/4/24    
871 1992 Summary report of Ad Hoc Expert Consultation on IOC/UN(OALOS) on Ocean Science in relation to Non-living Resources; Paris; 1992   097799eb.pdf (0.9MB)  
870 1992 Analysis of the possible establishment of an IOC Group of Experts on the Appication of Marine Acoustics to IOC Programmes   097798eb.pdf (403KB)  
869 1991 Monitoring the Health of the Ocean: Defining the Role of the Continuous Plankton Recorder in Global Ecosystem Studies 1992/4/24 091201eb.pdf (2.1MB)  
867 1991 Marine Science Conference and Meeting Schedule 1992/4/24    
866 1991 List of Scheduled Meetings of the Intergovermental Coeanographic Commision and Marine Science Related Issues 1992/4/24    
865 1991 Information and Guidelines for Participants in the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 1992  1992/4/24    
864 1991 National Oceanographic Programmes  Argentina  1990 1991 1992/4/24    
863 1991 Joint IO-WMO Steering Group on Global temperature-Salinity Pilot Project  second Session  Obninsk (URSS)  15-19 July 1991  Summary Report 1991/11/11 097717eb.pdf (1.4MB)  
858 1991 National Oceanographic Programmes  Canada  1990 no record    
857 1991 Overview of Planned Sea-Going Research  the Netherlands  1991 no record    
855 1991 National Oceanographic Programme  Sweden  1991 no record    
854 1991 IOC/ICSU Meeting of the Directors of WDCS Oceanography  Tianjin  China  4-6 Feb. 1991  Summary Report no record    
851 1991 Second Meeting of the Organizing Committee for the Ocean Climate Data Workshop  Paris  14-16 January 1991  Summary Report no record    
850 1991 International Study of the Equatorial Segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (EQUARIDGE)   088800eb.pdf (466KB)  
846 1991 First IOCEA Cruise in the Gulf of Guinea on Hydrodynamics and Sedimentology of the Shallow Continental Shelf, 10-25 October 1989; draft report   087939eb.pdf (1.0MB)  
844 1991 National Oceanographic Programme  the Republic of Korea  1990 1991/3/2    
843 1991 National Oceanographic Programme  Brazil 1991 1991/3/2    
842 1991 National Oceanographic Programme  Sweden  1990 1991/2/12    
841 1991 Strategies for the protection and development of the oceans and coastal areas (draft)   088663eb.pdf (3.3MB)  
837 1991 Summary Report of Ad hoc CCOP-IOC Technical Meeting on Post-IDOE Studies in East Asian Tectonics and Resources (SEATAR), Seoul, Republic of Korea, 9 Nov. 1990   no record 087919eb.pdf (351KB)  
834 1991 IODE Handbook no record 088876eb.pdf (1.2MB)  
833 1990 Global Ocean Observing System Status Report on Existing Ocean Elements and Related Systems no record 088294eb.pdf (6.2MB) GOOS Report No.1
832 1990 National Oceanographic Programme  Japan  Planned for 1990-March 1991 no record    
831 1990 IOC-WMO Steering Group on the IGOSS/IODE Global Temperature-Salinity Pilot Project  First Session  Orstom  Brest  (France)  17-19 Sep. 1990  Summary Report no record 088370eb.pdf (2.7MB)  
830 1990 Sixteenth Session of the Assembly Unesco, Paris, 7-22 March 1991: The Role of Electronic Mail Systems for Marine Science no record 088294eb.pdf (232KB)  
829 1990 Summary report of IOC Ad Hoc Group of Experts on a Global Ocean Observing System; 1st; Washington; 1990    097716eb.pdf (0.9MB)  
828 1990 Expert Consultation on OCEAN-PC  a Standard Software Package for Oceanographic Data Processing and Exchange  Unesco  Paris  7-9 Nov. 1990  Summary Report 1991/3/2 097715eb.pdf (612KB)  
827 1991 Marine Science Conference and Meeting Schedule no record    
826 1991 List of Scheduled Meetings 1991/3/11    
822 1990 Report of the Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping (CGOM) to the Sixteenth session of the IOC Assembly no record 088921eb.pdf (1.0MB)  
818 1990 National Oceanographic Programme  the Republic of Korea  1990 no record    
816 1990 National Oceanographic Programme  German Democratic Republic  20 March-7 April 1990  R/V professor Albrecht Penck 1990/6/25    
815 1990 National Oceanographic Programme  Argentina  1989-1990 1990/6/25    
814 1990 Report on the Activities of World Data Centers (Oceanography  Marine Geology and Geophysics)  Responsible National Oceanographic Data Centers (RNODCs)  National Oceanographic Data Centers (NODCs)  and Relevant Activities of Other International Data Centers  presented at the Thirteenth Session of the IOC Commitee on IODE  New York  USA 17-24  January 1990 1990/8/20    
813 1990 National Oceanographic Programme  German Democratic Republic  6-20 Feb. 1990  R/V A.V. Humboldt no record    
804 1989 Summary of ship-of-opportunity programmes and technical reports   085165eb.pdf (6.2MB)  
803 1990 Marine Science Conference and Meeting Schedule 1990/3/28    
802 1990 List of Scheduled Meetings of the Intergovermental Coeanographic Commision and the Division of Marine Sciences of UNESCO 1990/3/28    
785 1989 IOC Manual  Part I - Constitutional and other formal texts 1989/6/17 085775eb.pdf (3.5MB)  
783 1988 English/Spanish bibliography in physical oceanography and ocean climate for the Caribbean Sea and adjacent regions   082953mb.pdf (2.5MB)  
742 1988 How to prepare a MEDI entry   082499eb.pdf (248KB)  
730 1987 Master Plan for the Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific 1988/5/19    
727 1988 Extracts of decisions, resolutions and recommendations of UN organizations members of ICSPRO and of other governmental organizations co-operating with the commission, or having a bearing on its work (January-December 1987)   082497eb.pdf (5.7MB)  
716 1988 Reports of Member States and international organizations on research activities in the Southern Ocean   082470eb.pdf (4.6MB)  
710 1987 National reports on participation in the oceanographic aspects of the World Climate Research Programme   074793eb.pdf (2.1MB)  
1998 List of IOC publications as of October 1998   113962eb.pdf (850KB)  
669 1986 Contribution of the Federal Republic of Germany in support of the Unesco/IOC programme in the eastern Mediterranean (POEM) and the IOC programmes in the Indian Ocean and adjacent seas and gulfs   068696eb.pdf (182KB)  
655 1986 Report on meeting, effectively and efficiently, new data requirements arising from technology development, remote-sensing observations, and the World Climate Research Programme   068720eb.pdf (883KB)  
654 1985 Status and trends in the development of the GIPME/MARPOLMON system   068721eb.pdf (1.1MB)  
644 1985 List of proposed sea-level stations to be included in the global sea-level observing system   065012eb.pdf (1.1MB)  
625 1985 Report of the Advisory Bodies to the thirteenth session of the Assembly   064148eb.pdf (503KB)  
621 1985 Bruun memorial lectures, 1985; summaries   064078eb.pdf (209KB)  
1992 Technical arrangements for the elections of Officers of the Commission and other Members of the Executive Council   108801eo.pdf (440KB)  
617 1985 CCCO/IGOSS/IODE Ad Hoc Meeting on WCRP Ocean Data Management; Paris; 1984 
  063251eb.pdf (2.3MB)  
616 1984 Comparative study of compiled national legislation in force on marine scientific research   063310eb.pdf (630KB)  
612 1985 Marine science and ocean services for development: UNESCO/IOC Comprehensive plan for a major Assistance Programme to enhance the marine sciece 1985/3/19 063061eo.pdf (4.5MB)  
609 1985 Meeting of Experts on Oceanography related to the Dynamics of the Antarctic Ecosystem; Kiel, Germany FR; 1984 
 Summary report 
  063813eb.pdf (210KB)  
607 1984 A Review of IOC documentation relevant to a reconsideration of possible adjustments to the Commission's statutes to reflect the new needs of Member states and the increasing role of the Commission under the new ocean regime   063399eb.pdf (4.4MB)  
606 1984 Marine scientific research, and development and transfer of marine technology, under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the new ocean regime: general implications for international co-operation and the role of IOC   062368eb.pdf (1.3MB)  
600 1984 IODE Handbook  revised edition  1984 1985/4/9 063225eb.pdf (1.7MB)  
590 1985 Integrated Global Ocean Services System (IGOSS): composition of IGOSS   065955eb.pdf (836KB)  
586 1984 Scientific basis for the management of fisheries and the conservation of marine living resources under the new ocean regime   062369eb.pdf (1.9MB)  
585 1984 Revised rules for the utilization of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission's Voluntary Assistance Programme   059497eb.pdf (469KB)  
576 1984 The IGOSS (Integrated Global Ocean Services Systems) Training and Assistance Programme: a draft policy document   059796eb.pdf (1.1MB)  
572 1984 Operational plan for an Igoss Sea Level Pilot Project in the Pacific ocean   058913eb.pdf (487KB)  
569 1984 Report of the chairman of the Joint IOC/WMO Working Committee for IGOSS   059229eb.pdf (292KB)  
1998 List of IOC depository centres for publications and ASFIS centres as at 1 October 1998   113963eb.pdf (586KB)  
564 1984 Progress report on co-operation between IOC and UNEP in Marine Pollution Research and Monitoring   059262eb.pdf (209KB)  
563 1984 Plan for a global sea level network   059275eb.pdf (920KB)  
562 1983 Principles governing co-operation between Unesco and the International Council of Scientific Unions on the development of the oceanographic component of the World Climate Research Programme, through the IOC and SCOR   058169eb.pdf (98KB)  
561 1983 Inter-Secretariat Committee on Scientific Programmes relating to Oceanography; 22nd session; Rome; 1983 
Summary report 
  058316eb.pdf (822KB)  
560 1983 IOC. Preparatory Commission for the Sea-bed Authority and Tribunal   063313eb.pdf (156KB)  
557 1983 Co-ordination of drifting-buoy activities and related questions: historical background   058328eb.pdf (0.9MB)  
555 1983 Progress in the planning of projects and experiments within the oceanographic components of the World Climate Research Programme   058327eb.pdf (459KB)  
552 1983 IOC. Executive Council; United Nations. General Assembly; 17th session; 37th session; Paris; 1984; 1982 
Extracts of recent decisions and documents of UN organizations, members of ICSPRO, relevant to the work of the Commission 
  058117eb.pdf (2.3MB)  
536 1983 Triennial report, 1980-1982: prepared in accordance with IOC statutes, article 12    057608eb.pdf (3.1MB)  
529 1983 World Conference on Fishery Management and Development; Rome; 1983 
Scientific inputs to fishery management: international implications 
  055952eb.pdf (914KB)  
1983  United Nations Conference on the Human Environment; Stockholm; 1972 
 A Comparison of the role and functions of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) with excerpts from the report of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 
  054561eb.pdf (557KB)  
523 1983 The Marine Pollution Research and Monitoring Programme of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission: present and planned activities   054828eb.pdf (2.2MB)  
520 1982 IOC. Assembly; 12th session; Paris; 1982 
 Structure and workplan of the IOC with special reference to the information and data services 
  052621eb.pdf (434KB)  
519 1982 IOC. Assembly; ECOR Working Group on Engineering Applications of Drifting Buoys; 12th session; Paris; Halifax, Canada; 1982   051231eb.pdf (747KB)  
518 1982 IOC. Assembly; 12th session; Paris; 1982
Report to the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission on Oceanographic Drifting Buoys 
  052533eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
516 1982 TEMA in GIPME: an outline of a training programme in marine pollution research and monitoring   051235eb.pdf (183KB)  
1983 IOC. Programme Group for the Southern Oceans; 4th session; Paris; 1983 
 Scientific investigations of the Southern Oceans: a tabulation of work carried out since 1977 
  053961eb.pdf (207KB)  
1983 IOC. Assembly; 12th session; Paris; 1982 
 Ocean science for the year 2000; report of an expert consultation organized by SCOR/ACMRR with the support of IOC and the Division of Marine Sciences of Unesco 
  052227eb.pdf (4.7MB)  
503 1982 Memorandum of understanding between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission on Marine Environmental Protection   049954eb.pdf (137KB)  
502 1982  IOC. Assembly; 12th session; Paris; 1982 
 Anton Bruun memorial lectures, 1982; summaries 
  050818eb.pdf (219KB)  
501 1982 Joint IOC/SCOR/ECOR Informal Consultative Meeting on Drifting Buoy Programmes; 2nd; Sidney, Canada; 1982 
 Summary report 
  050825eb.pdf (523KB)  
500 1982 IOC. Assembly; 12th session; Paris; 1982 
 Reports of the advisory bodies to the Commission 
  050639eb.pdf (994KB)  
499 1982 IOC. Assembly; 12th session; Paris; 1982 
 Progress report on International Oceanographic Data Exchange 
  051223eb.pdf (548KB)  
495 1982 IOC. Assembly; 12th session; Paris; 1982 
 Evaluation of IOCARIBE 
  050638eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
494 1982  Report on the participation by the IOC representative in the eleventh session of the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, New York, 8 March - 3 April 1982    050670eb.pdf (232KB)  
493 1982 Joint IOC/WMO Implementation Co-ordination Meeting on IGOSS in WESTPAC and NORPAX Regions; Tokyo; 1982 
  050813eb.pdf (2.5MB)  
492 1982 Report by the Chairman on the Joint IOC/IHO Guiding Committee for GEBCO   050195eb.pdf (2.3MB)  
490 1982  IOC. Assembly; 12th session; Paris; 1982 
 Technical arrangements for the biennial elections of officers of the Commission and other members of the Executive Council 
  050675eb.pdf (340KB)  
1984 IOC. Ad Hoc Task Team to Study the Implications, for the Commission, of the Convention on the Law of the Sea and the New Ocean Regime; 3rd session; Paris; 1984
National legislation and regulations relating to the conduct of marine scientific research by non-nationals in maritime zones subject to national jurisdiction 
  063312eb.pdf (1.5MB)  
476 1982 IOC. Executive Council; 15th session; Paris; 1982 
 Action sheet and implementation programme for international oceanographic data exchange 
  048168eb.pdf (406KB)  
460 1981 Technical aspects relating to the implementation of the draft Convention on the Law of the Sea (Article 76); report by a sub-committee of the Joint IOC/IHO Guiding Committee for the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO)   044713eb.pdf (894KB)  
1983 Meeting of the Working Group of Experts on the Development of Marine Science and Technology in Africa; Addis Ababa; 1980 
 Machinery for international and regional co-operation in the framework of IOC and its relevance to Africa 
  057026eb.pdf (790KB)  
455 1981  IOC. Executive Council; 14th session; Tenerife, Spain; 1981 
 Summary report of the IOC/SCOR/ECOR Consultative Meeting on Drifting Buoys Programmes 
  044426eb.pdf (586KB)  
454 1981 IOC. Executive Council; 14th session; Tenerife, Spain; 1981 
 Progress report of the Chairman of SCOR Working Group 66: Oceanographic buoys 
  044712eb.pdf (84KB)  
1981 The Role of IOC in Training, Education and Mutual Assistance in the marine sciences (TEMA)   045756eb.pdf (1.0MB)  
433 1980 Report from the Chairman on the first part of the ninth session of the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, New York, 1980   040397eb.pdf (317KB)  
427 1980  IOC. Working Committee for TEMA; 3rd session; Buenos Aires; 1980 
 Summary of project proposals on marine science and related aspects for extrabudgetary funding 
  038828eb.pdf (837KB)  
1980 Report of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission on its activities: biennial report for 1978-1979   041930eb.pdf (2.9MB)  
425 1980 List of acronyms and initials for international organizations and programmes; Liste des sigles et abréviations des organisations et programmes internationaux; Lista de siglas y abreviaturas de las organizaciones y programas internacionales; Spicok akronimov i cokrashchenuj, otnosyashchikhcya k mezhdunarodnym organizatsiyam i programmam   038823mb.pdf (3.4MB)  
424 1980 COST-43 proposal on ODAS identification and markings   038821eb.pdf (157KB)  
421 1980 Report of the twentieth session of the Inter-Secretariat Committee on Scientific Programmes relating to Oceanography (ICSPRO)   038818eb.pdf (658KB)  
418 1980 IOC. Working Committee for TEMA; 3rd session; Buenos Aires; 1980
Regional aspects of TEMA
  038809eb.pdf (721KB)  
413 1979 IOC. Assembly; 11th session; Paris; 1979 
 Activities of the United Nations in the field of ocean economics and technology 
  037389eb.pdf (1.8MB)  
408 1979 Proposed amendments to the statutes of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission; Secretariat note   037374eb.pdf (914KB)  
407 1980 Regional cooperation in marine science   037189eb.pdf (0.9MB)  
406 1979 Anton Bruun memorial lectures, 1979   037394eb.pdf (169KB)  
405 1979  IOC. Scientific Advisory Board; 4th session; Paris; 1979 
 Report on the review of international oceanographic data echange: executive summary and recommendations 
  037097eb.pdf (821KB)  
404 1979  IOC. Scientific Advisory Board; 4th session; Paris; 1979 
 Executive summary and recommendations of the Scientific Advisory Board's Review of the Integrated Global Ocean Station System (IGOSS) 
  037410eb.pdf (560KB)  
403 1979 Report of the Chairman on participation by Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission representatives in the eighth session of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)   037393eb.pdf (503KB)  
402 1979 IOC. Assembly; Inter-Secretariat Committee on Scientific Programmes relating to Oceanography; 11th session; 19th session; Paris; Geneva; 1979; 1979 
 Report of the nineteenth session of the Inter-Secretariat Committee on Scientific Programmes relating to Oceanography (ICSPRO) 
  037376eb.pdf (1.7MB)  
399 1979  IOC. Scientific Advisory Board; 4th session; Paris; 1979 
 Scientific Advisory Board progress report on the review of ongoing and possible future programmes of the Commission contributing to Ocean Climate Studies 
  037406eb.pdf (285KB)  
398 1979 Guide on operational instructions for the reporting of oceanographic data, Bathy and Tesac; draft   043483eb.pdf (1.2MB)  
1983 Titles, addresses and officers of regional bodies and international convention commissions concerned significantly with marine pollution research and monitoring   054824eb.pdf (188KB)  
1979 Technical arrangements for the biennial elections of officers of the (IOC) and other members of the Executive Council   037392eb.pdf (342KB)  
224 1974 A Study project on mutual assistance between states leading to a transfer of science and technology, IOC. Executive Council; IOC. Assembly; Ottawa; Paris; 4th session; 8th session; 1974; 1973   009947eb.pdf (1.2MB)  
207 1973 The IGOSS Pilot Project during "Overflow 73": preliminary evaluation - submitted by K. Huber of the Federal Republic of Germany, IOC. Assembly; Paris; 8th session; 1973   005799eb.pdf (673KB)  
204 1973 Report of the fifth meeting of the Joint ICES/ICNAF/IOC Coordinating Group for the North Atlantic, together with representatives of international marine research projects in the North Atlantic, IOC. Assembly; Joint ICES/ICNAF/IOC Coordinating Group for the North Atlantic; Paris; Charlottenlund, Denmark; 8th session; 5th session; 1973; 1972   023315eb.pdf (534KB)  
203 1973 SCOR Working Group 38 (with SCAR): special studies in circumpolar waters south of 40 degrees, IOC. Assembly; Paris; 8th session; 1973    005806eb.pdf (218KB)  
202 1973 Information on national training and educational programmes offering facilities to foreign students in the Federal Republic of Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom   005834eb.pdf (543KB)  
201 1973 Informal Preparatory Meeting on Expendable Drifting Buoy Systems for Use during the First GARP Global Experiment; Paris; 1973   005084eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
198 1973 Programme for the Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine Environment, IOC. International Coordination Group for GIPME; London; 1st session; 1973   005839eb.pdf (633KB)  
194 1973 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS): a computer-oriented system offering integrated information services; secretariat note, IOC. Executive Council; Paris; 2nd session; 1973   004912eb.pdf (2MB)