IOC Reports of Meetings of Experts and Equivalent Bodies
Last Updated: November 12, 2013
No. Year Title Received Digital File Note
245 2013 Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System for the South China Sea Region (SCS-WG), second meeting, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 16-18 October 2012 Electronic version only 222732e.pdf (1.4MB)  
244 2013 Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG), sixth meeting, Paris, France, 20-21 February 2013 Electronic version only 223677e.pdf (733KB) Contains Executive summary in English/French/Spanish/Russian
243 2013 PTWS Working Group 2 on Detection, Warning and Dissemination: Task Team on PacWave11, Honolulu, United States of America, 21 May 2012   220664e.pdf (558KB)  
242 2013 IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS); 12th; Paris; 2011   219577e.pdf (577KB) GOOS Reprt No.198,
GCOS Report No.150,
JCOMM Report No.98
241 2013 IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GEMIM); 12th; Miami, USA; 2013   219379e.pdf (933KB)  
240 2012 Ad hoc session of the IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices; Ostend, Belgium; 2012   218370e.pdf (510KB)  
239 2012 Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems; 5th; Tokyo; 2012   217349e.pdf (561KB)  
238 2012 IODE Steering Group for OceanDocs; 1st; Ostend, Belgium; 2012   217284e.pdf (813KB)  
237 2012 Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System for the South China Sea Region (SCS-WG), first meeting, Sanya, China, 12-14 December 2011 Electronic version only 216395e.pdf (3.0MB)  
235 2012 Joint IODE-JCOMM Steering Group for the Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Programme (SG-GTSPP), first session, IOC Project Office for IODE, Ostend, Belgium, 16-20 April 2012 Electronic version only 216339e.pdf (731KB)  
234 2011 Grupo de Trabajo Regional para América Central del Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinación del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y Atenuación de sus Efectos en el Pacífico (ICG/PTWS), segunda reunión, San Salvador (El Salvador) del 28 al 30 de septiembre de 2011 Electronic version only 215862s.pdf (1.6MB) Spanish
233 2011 Grupo de Trabajo Regional para América Central del Grupo Intergubernamental de Coordinación del Sistema de Alerta contra los Tsunamis y Atenuación de sus Efectos en el Pacífico (ICG/PTWS), primera reunión, Managua, Nicaragua, del 4 al 6 de noviembre de 2009 Electronic version only 207053s.pdf (247KB) Spanish
232 2011 Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG), Inter-ICG Task Team 3 on Tsunami Watch Operations, first meeting, Seattle, USA, 29 November-1 December 2010 Electronic version only 207040e.pdf (1.0MB)  
231 2011 Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG), Inter-ICG Task Team 2 on Disaster Management and Preparedness, first meeting, Seattle, USA, 29 November-1 December 2010 Electronic version only 193913e.pdf (204KB)  
230 2011 Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG), Inter-ICG Task Team 1 on Sea Level Monitoring for Tsunami, first meeting, Seattle, USA, 29 November-1 December 2010 Electronic version only 193911e.pdf (415KB)  
229 2011 IODE Steering Group for Ocean Teacher (SG-OT), second session, Miami, Florida, 11-15 April 2011 Electronic version only 192803e.pdf (1.4MB)  
228 2011 Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WS)   193023e.pdf (1.5MB)  
227 2011 ICG/PTWS Regional Working Group for the Southwest Pacific: Task Team on Seismic Data Exchange in the South West Pacific; first meeting, Port Vila, Vanuatu, 19-20 October 2009   191252e.pdf (1.2MB)  
226 2010 Panel for Integrated Coastal Observation (PICO-II), second session, 24-26 February 2009, Perth, Australia Electronic copy only 189229e.pdf (292KB) GOOS Report No.180
225 2010 IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea level Observing System (GLOSS), eleventh session, Paris, France, 13-15 May 2009 Electronic copy only 189207e.pdf (544KB) GOOS Report No.181
224 2010 Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Ocean Hazards Related to Sea Level Warning and Mitigation Systems (TOWS-WG)   188165e.pdf (535KB)  
223 2010 Joint IOC-ICES Study Group on Nutrient Standards (SGONS), first meeting, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 23-24 March 2010   188100e.pdf (1.6MB) IOCCP Reports No.20
222 2009 IOC-SCOR International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project: Scientific Steering Group, fourth session, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany, 14 September 2009 Electronic copy only 187319e.pdf (408KB) IOCCP Reports No.15
221 2008 IOC-SCOR International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project: third session, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, 3-4 October 2008 Electronic copy only 187307e.pdf (426KB) IOCCP Reports No.10
220 2007 IOC-SCOR International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project: second session, Paris, France, 10 April 2007 Electronic copy only 187304e.pdf (390KB) IOCCP Reports No.6
219 2005 IOC-SCOR International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project: first session, Broomfield, Colorado, U.S.A., 1 October 2005 Electronic copy only 187287e.pdf (331KB) IOCCP Reports No.3
- 2009 Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS), Ninth Session, Paris, France 30 March–3 April 2009   183231e.pdf (227KB)  
- 2009 IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (GE-BICH), Fourth Session, IOC Project Office for IODE Oostende, Belgium 27-30 January 2009 Electronic copy only gebich_4_report_final_20090423.pdf (403KB)  
- 2009 IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM), Tenth Session, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium, 4-6 November 2008 Electronic copy only report_GEMIM_10.pdf (2.2MB)  
- 2009 Executive Board of the IOC-WMO-UNEP Intergovernmental Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System (I-GOOS Board-V), Fifth Session, Paris, France, 9 and 13 June 2009   IGOOSBoard5_FinalReport.pdf (203KB) GOOS Report No.177
- 2009 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Scientific Steering Committee of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Twelfth Session, Perth, Australia, 25-27 February 2009   GSSC-XII__Report.doc (1.1MB) GOOS Report No.175
217 2009 Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems(TOWS-WG); Second Meeting; Paris; 27 March 2009   182878e.pdf (334KB)  
216 2009 Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Regional Alliances Forum (GRF); Fourth Session; Guayaquil, Ecuador; 25-27 November 2008 Electronic copy only 181855e.pdf (455KB) GOOS Report No.174
- 2008 Report of the In situ component of the ‘Plymouth Chlorophyll Meeting and Workshops (Extended Antares Network)’, Sponsored by GOOS, GEO, PML and POGO, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 18-22 September 2006   Chla-Plymouth-report.doc (964KB) GOOS Report No.171
- 2008 Executive Board of the IOC-WMO-UNEP Intergovernmental Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System (I-GOOS Board-IV), Fourth Session, Paris, France, 11 April 2008   Board_4_report_final.pdf (192KB) GOOS Report No.167
- 2008 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Scientific Steering Committee of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Eleventh Session, Paris, France, 8-10 April 2008   GSSC_XI_Report.pdf (437KB) GOOS Report No.170
215 2008 Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS), Eighth Session, Paris, 21–25 April 2008   160849e.pdf (241KB)  
214 2008 IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS), Tenth Session, Paris, France, 6-8 June 2007 Electronic copy only 179440e.pdf (942KB) GOOS Report No.169
213 2008 Panel for Integrated Coastal Observation (PICO-I): First Session, Paris, France, 10-11 April 2008 Electronic copy only 163250e.pdf (280KB) GOOS Report No.172
212 2008 Working Group on Tsunamis and Other Hazards Related to Sea-Level Warning and Mitigation Systems(TOWS-WG); First Session; Paris; 3-4 April 2008   160831e.pdf (774KB)  
211 2008 IOC Working Group on the Future of IOC; First Session; Paris; 19-20 February 2008   160370e.pdf (735KB)  
- 2007 Executive Board of the IOC-WMO-UNEP Intergovernmental Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System (I-GOOS Board-III), Third Session, Paris, France, 12 and 16 June, 2007   IGBoard3_Report.pdf (102KB) GOOS Report No.163
- 2007 IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM), Ninth Session, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium, 17-20 September 2007 Electronic copy only ggemim09.pdf (1.5MB)  
- 2007 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Scientific Steering Committee of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Tenth Session, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 13-16 March 2007   GSSC10_report.pdf (206KB) GOOS Report No.161
- 2007 IOC/WESTPAC Co-ordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional - Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR-GOOS), Eleventh Session, Bangkok, Thailand, 18-19 January 2007   summary_report_of_NEAR-GOOS-11_(final).doc (102KB) GOOS Report No.160
- 2007 IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices, Third Session (GE-BICH-III), IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium, 27-28 November 2006 Electronic copy only GEBICH3.pdf (154KB)  
- 2007 Regional Forum of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Third Session, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 14–17 November 2006 Electronic copy only GOOS_RF_III.pdf (3.0MB) GOOS Report No.159
- 2007 IOC/WESTPAC Co-ordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional - Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR-GOOS), Tenth Session, Busan, Republic of Korea, 16-18 January 2006 Electronic copy only summary_report_of_NEAR-GOOS_CC-10.pdf (83KB) GOOS Report No.158
- 2007 IOC/WESTPAC Co-ordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional -Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR-GOOS), Ninth Session, Sendai, Japan, 3-5 November 2004 Electronic copy only summary_report_of_NEAR-GOOS_CC-9.pdf (96KB) GOOS Report No.157
- 2007 Executive Board of the IOC-WMO-UNEP Intergovernmental Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System (I-GOOS Board-II), Second Session, Cape Town, South Africa, 18 November 2006   IGBoard2_Report.pdf (237KB) GOOS Report No.156
- 2007 Executive Board of the IOC-WMO-UNEP Intergovernmental Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System (I-GOOS Board-I), First Session, 9–10 March 2006, Paris, France   IGBoard1_Report.pdf (112KB) GOOS Report No.153
210 2007 Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS), Seventh Session, Libreville, Gabon, 19-23 March 2007   151007e.pdf (285KB)  
- 2006 IODE Steering Group for MEDI, Third Session, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA, 11-13 September 2006   SGMedi3.pdf (69KB)  
- 2006 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Scientific Steering Committee of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Ninth Session, Paris, France, 6-8 March 2006   GSSC9_Final__Rep.pdf (735KB) GOOS Report No.151
209 2006 IOC/UNEP/IUCN/NOAA Consultative Meeting on Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs); Eighth Session; Paris; 3-4 July 2006 Electronic copy only 150752e.pdf (380KB)  
208 2005 IOC/UNEP/IUCN/NOAA Consultative Meeting on Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs); Seventh Session; Paris; 5-6 July 2005 Electronic copy only 150750e.pdf (396KB)  
207   Third Session of the Regional Forum of the Global Ocean Observing System, South Africa, 2006      
206 2006 Sixth Meeting of the Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS), Spain, 2006   183231e.pdf (448KB)  
- 2005 Joint GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), Tenth Session, Geneva, Switzerland, 9-12 May 2005   GOOS-150-OOPC10.pdf (768KB) GOOS Report No.150
- 2005 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Eighth Session, 21-23 February 2005, Melbourne, Australia   GOOS-144-GSC8.pdf (634KB) GOOS Report No.144
205 2005 IOC/WESTPAC Co-ordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional/Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR-GOOS); Eighth Session; Beijing; 8-10 December 2003 Electronic copy only 142415e.pdf (708KB) GOOS Report No.137
204 2005 The Group of Experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS), Ninth Session, Paris, France, 24-25 February 2005 Electronic copy only 140083e.pdf (383KB) GOOS Report No.149
203 2005 The Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS), Fifth Session, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 11-15 April 2005   139504e.pdf (319KB)  
202 2005 IOC/IUCN/NOAA Consultative Meeting on Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs); Sixth Session; Paris; 29-20 March 2004  Electronic copy only 139166e.pdf (287KB)  
- 2004 IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM), Eighth Session, CSIRO, Hobart, Australia, 2,3,10 September 2004 Electronic copy only ggemim08.pdf (1.3MB)  
- 2004 Joint GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), Ninth Session, Southampton, UK, 7-10 June 2004   GOOS-143-OOPC9.pdf (2.2MB) GOOS Report No.143
- 2004 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Seventh Session, Brest, France, 26 - 29 April 2004   GOOS_142_GSC7.pdf (798KB) GOOS Report No.142
- 2004 IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices Second Session (GE-BICH-II), Foresight Centre, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, 22-24 March 2004 Electronic copy only GEBICH02.pdf (367KB)  
- 2004 Regional Forum of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Second Session, Nadi, Fiji, 7-9 February 2004   GOOS_139.pdf (244KB) GOOS Report No.139
201 2004 The Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS), Fourth Session, Lefkada, Greece, 4-7 May 2004   139510e.pdf (320KB)  
200 2004 IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS), Eighth Session, Paris, France, 13 and 16-17 October 2003 Electronic copy only 136200e.pdf (511KB) GOOS Report No.141
199 2004 IOC Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping (CGOM), Ninth Session, Monaco, 12-13 April 2003 Electronic copy only 135218e.pdf (1.5MB)  
- 2003 IOC/WESTPAC Co-ordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional –Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR-GOOS), Eighth Session, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, 8–10 December 2003 Electronic copy only GOOS-137-NEAR-GOOS-8.pdf (699KB)  
- 2003 IODE Steering Group for Global Ocean Surface Underway Data Pilot Project (SG-GOSUD), Third Session, Monterey, USA, 3-4 November 2003   SGGOSUD3.pdf (733KB)  
- 2003 Joint GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Oceans Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), Eighth Session, Ottawa, Canada, 3-6 September 2003   GOOS-140-OOPC8.pdf (1.4MB) GOOS Report No.140
- 2003 IOCARIBE-GOOS Steering Committee, First Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 2-3 June 2003   GOOS_135_IOCARIBE.pdf (200KB) GOOS Report No.135
- 2003 Meeting for Establishing the GOOS Regional Alliance for the Southeast Pacific (GRASP), Cartagena, Colombia, 30-31 May 2003   GOOS_134_GRASP_en.pdf (220KB) GOOS Report No.134
- 2003 IODE Steering Group for Ocean Teacher, Second Session, Southampton, UK, 29 April -1 May 2003   SGOT2.pdf (194KB)  
- 2003 IOC/WESTPAC Co-ordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional - Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR-GOOS) Seventh Session, Vladivostok, Russian Federation, 2-4 October 2002   GOOS_132_NG7.pdf (373KB) GOOS Report No.132
- 2003 Regional Forum of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), First Session, 2-6 December 2002, Athens, Greece   GOOS_127_GRF1.pdf (937KB) GOOS Report No.127
- 2003 GLOBAL OCEAN OBSERVING SYSTEM (GOOS) CAPACITY BUILDING (CB) PANEL (Including Action Plan, Phase I), First Session, Geneva, Switzerland, 24-26 June 2002   GOOS_123_CB-I.pdf (515KB) GOOS Report No.123
- 2003 IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices, First Session, National Oceanographic Data Center, Silver Spring, MD, USA, 25-27 June 2002   ggebcdmep01.pdf (3.5MB)  
198 2003 IOC/IUCN/NOAA Consultative Meeting on Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs), Fifth Session, Paris, France, 3-4 March 2003 2004/6/8 134008e.pdf (1.2MB)  
197 2003 First Session of the JCOMM/IODE Expert Team On Data Management Practices, Belgium, 2003   MR25-DMP-I.pdf (198KB) JCOMM Meeting Report No. 25
196 2003 Coastal Ocean Observations Panel, Fourth Session, Cape Town, South Africa, 24–27 September 2002 Electronic copy only 131120e.pdf (342KB) GOOS Report No.136
195 2003 IOC/WMO/UNEP/ICSU Steering Committee of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Sixth Session, Cape Town, South Africa, 26-28 February 2003 2003/10/24 131055e.pdf (467KB) GOOS Report No.129
- 2002 IOC/IODE-MIM-VII/3 - IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GEMIM), Seventh Session, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, 23 – 25 October 2002    ggemim07.pdf (725KB)  
- 2002 IODE Steering Group for Global Ocean Surface Underway Data Pilot Project (SG-GOSUD), Second Session, Ottawa, Canada, 16-17 September 2002   SGGOSUD2.pdf (181KB)  
- 2002 Joint GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), Seventh Session, Kiel, Germany, 5-8 June 2002   GOOS_124_OOPC7.pdf (1.5MB) GOOS Report No.124
- 2002 IODE Group of Experts on Technical Aspects of Data Exchange, Ninth Session, Helsinki, Finland, 20-22 April 2002   ggetad09.pdf (218KB)  
- 2002 Second Session of the IODE Steering Group for MEDI, Second Session, Honolulu, USA, 2-4 April 2002   SGMedi2.pdf (312KB)  
- 2002 Joint GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), Sixth Session, Melbourne, Australia, 2 - 5 May 2001   GOOS_113_OOPC6.pdf (356KB) GOOS Report No.113
- 2002 Joint GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), Fifth Session, Bergen, Norway, 20 - 23 June 2000   GOOS_098_OOPC5.pdf (378KB) GOOS Report No.98
194 2002 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Fifth Session, 1-3 May 2002, Paris, France   GOOS_126_GSC-V.pdf (809KB) GOOS Report No.126
193 2002 Reunión Extraordinaria del Grupo Mixto de Trabajo COI/OMM/CPPS sobre las Investigaciones relativas a El Niño, Concepción, Chile, 09 al 13 de Agosto de 1999 Electronic copy only 130324s.pdf (341KB) Spanish only
192 2003 The Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS), Third Session, Lisbon, Portugal, 12-15 May 2003 2003/7/25 130521e.pdf (157KB)  
- 2001 First Session of the IODE Steering Group for the Resource Kit, Miami, Florida, 19-23 March 2001   sgreskit1.pdf (226KB)  
- 2001 First Session of the IODE Steering Group for MEDI, First Session, Oostende, Belgium, 23-27 April 2001   SGMedi1.pdf (231KB)  
- 2001 First Session of the IODE Steering Group for Underway Sea Surface Salinity Data Archiving Pilot Project, Brest, France, 15-16 November 2001   SGUSSSAL1.pdf (341KB)  
191 2001 IOC Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping, Eighth Session, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 10-14 May 2001 2003/3/.27 126078e.pdf (344KB)  
190 2002 Coastal Ocean Observations Panel GOOS Users' Forum; Third Session, Hanoi, Vietnam, 15 and 16-18 January 2002 2003.3.27 128681e.pdf (4.1MB) GOOS Report No.114
189 2001 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Pacific (IBCWP), Third Session, Tianjin, People's Republic of China, 25-30 September 2000 2003/3/27 128713e.pdf (275KB)  
188 2002 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Indian Ocean (IBCWIO), Fifth Session, Quatre Bornes, Mauritius, 24-28 July 2000 2003/1/24 128512e.pdf (220KB)  
187 2002 Fourth Session of the ad hoc Advisory Group for IOCARIBE-GOOS, Veracruz, Mexico, 21–23 February, 2002   126022e.pdf (232KB) GOOS Report No.117
186 2003 Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Capacity Building (CB) Panel, First Session, Geneva, Switzerland, 24-26 June 2002   130195e.pdf (333KB)  
185 2002 IOC/WESTPAC Co-ordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional/Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR-GOOS), Sixth Session, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 31 August 200   128393e.pdf (834KB) GOOS Report No.120
184 2002 IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GEMIM), Seventh Session, UNESCO, Paris, 23-25 October 2002   128266e.pdf (318KB)  
183 2002 IOC/IUCN/NOAA consultative meeting on Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs), Fourth Session, Paris, France, 8-9 January 2002 2003/1/24 128422e.pdf (748KB)  
182   First Session of the IODE Steering Group for the Resource Kit, USA, 19–21 March 2001      
181 2002 IOC Workshop on the Establishment of SEAGOOS in the Wider Southeast Asian Region, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 30-31 August 2001   128189e.pdf (376KB) GOOS Report No.119
180 2002 IOC-SCOR Ocean CO2 Advisory Panel, Second Session, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 9 February 2002   128074e.pdf (430KB)  
179   cancelled      
178   Sixth Session of the Joint GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), Australia, 2001      
177 2002 The Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (IOC/ABE-LOS), Second Session, El Jadida, Morocco, 6-9 May 2002 2002/10/16 127605e.pdf (262KB)  
176 2001 IOC/WESTPAC Co-ordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional -Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR-GOOS), Fifth Session, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 7 – 8 December 2000   GOOS_100_NG-V.pdf (670KB) GOOS Report No.100
175 2002 Black Sea GOOS Workshop, Second Session; Poti, Georgia, 22-25 May 2001 2002/5/13 125196e.pdf (639KB) GOOS Report No.109
174 2001 Coastal Ocean Observations Panel GOOS Users' Forum, Second Session, Trieste, Italy, 5 and 6-8 June 2001 2002/6/19 125287e.pdf (217KB) GOOS Report No.111
173 2002 Third Session of the ad hoc Advisory Group for IOCARIBE-GOOS, Maiami USA, 1-5 April 2001 2002/5/13 125254e.pdf (207KB) GOOS Report No.105
172 2001 I-GOOS ad hoc Group of Experts Meeting on GOOS-UNCLOS, France, 2-3 October 2001 and United Kingdom, 26 October 2001 2002/5/13 125125e.pdf (141KB) GOOS Report No.112
171 2001 First Session of the IOC-SCOR Ocean CO2 Advisory Panel, France, 2000 2002/5/13 125124e.pdf (951KB)  
170 2001 IOC/WMO/UNEP/ICSU Steering Committee of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Fourth Session, Viña del Mar, Chile, 14-16 March 2001 2002/4/5 125139e.pdf (571KB) GOOS Report No.102
169 2001 First Session of the Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (ABE-LOS), France, 11-13 June 2001 2002/6/27 125123e.pdf (261KB)  
168 2001 Seventh Session of the Group of Experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System, Honolulu, 26-27 April 2001 2002/4/10 125137e.pdf (321KB) GOOS Report No.116
167 2000 First GOOS Users' Forum, November 2000 2002/3/25 125136e.pdf (1MB) GOOS Report No.92
166 2001 First Session of the Coastal Ocean Observations Panel, Costa Rica, 15-17 November 2000 2001/12/17 GOOS_095_COOP1.pdf (523KB) GOOS Report No.95
165 2001 The ad hoc Advisory Group for IOCARIBE-GOOS, Second Session, La Havana, Cuba,  29 November-1 December 2000 2001/9/25 ggecaribegoos02.pdf (197KB) GOOS Report No.93
164 2001 Third Session of the IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), France, 10-12 May 2000 2001/5/28 122183e.pdf (928KB) GOOS Report No.87
163 2000 Fifth Session of the IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Coastal Panel of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS); Gdansk, Poland, 2-6 May 2000 2001/5/6 ggecgoos05.pdf (314KB) GOOS Report No.86
162 2000 IOC-IUCN-NOAA Consultative Meeting on Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs), Third Session, Paris, France, 13-14 June 2000  2001/5/6 ggelme03.pdf (152KB)  
161 2000 IODE Group of Experts on Technical Aspects of Data Exchange, Eighth Session, Greenbelt, MD, USA, 13-17 March 2000. 2001/5/6 ggetad08.pdf (174KB)  
160 2000 Fourth Session of the IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU-FAO Living Marine Resources Panel of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS); Honolulu, Hawaii, 1-4 May 2000  2001/3/5 ggelmrgoos04.pdf (109KB) GOOS Report No.91
159 2000 Third Session of the IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU-FAO Living Marine Resources Panel of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS); Talcahuano, Chile, 8-11 December 1999  2001/3/5 ggelmrgoos03.pdf (316KB) GOOS Report No.83
158 2000 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Mediterranean and its Geological/Geophysical Series. Eighth Session. World Ocean Museum, on board RV Vityaz, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation, 1-4 September 1999 2000/11/15 ggeebibcm08.pdf (83KB)  
157 2000 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Coastal Panel of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). Fourth Session. Tianjin, People's Republic of China, 2-5 November 1999 2000/11/8 ggecgoos04.pdf (191KB) GOOS Report No.82
156 2000 THE ad hoc ADVISORY GROUP for IOCARIBE-GOOS, First Session, Caracas, Venezuela, 3-5 November 1999 2000/11/8 ggecaribegoos01.pdf (89KB) GOOS Report No.88
155 2000 Initial Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Commitments Meeting, Paris, France, July 5-6, 1999 2000/10/30 ggegoosimpl03.pdf (345KB) GOOS Report No.80
154 2000 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (IBCCA), Seventh Session, Aguascalientes, Mexico, 9-11 November 1998 2000/11/15 120783eo.pdf (2.3MB)  
153 2000 Joint IOC-IHO Guiding Committee for the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans. Seventeenth Session. Geological Survey of Canada, Dartmouth, N.S., Canada. 23-30 June 1999. 2000/8/3 120676eo.pdf (4.6MB)  
152 1999 Sixth Session of the IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS); Toulouse, France, 12-14 May 1999 2000/6/1 ggegloss06.pdf (139KB) GOOS Report No.71
151 2000 IOC Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping. Seventh Session. International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco. 12-14 April 1999 2000/8/4 120552eo.pdf (2.8MB)  
150 2000 IOC/WESTPAC Co-ordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional-Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR-GOOS). Fourth Session. Tokyo, Japan, 28 September-1 October 1999 2000/7/18 GOOS_077_NG-IV.pdf (113KB) GOOS Report No.77
149 2000 Eighthe Session of the Joint IOC-JGOFS CO2 Advisory Panel Meeting, Japan, 16-20 January 1999   120608eo.pdf (3.5MB)  
148 1999 IOC/WMO/UNEP/ICSU/FAO Living Marine Resources Panel of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS); Second Session, Montpellier, France; 22-24 March 1999 2000/7/14 GOOS_074_LMR-II.pdf (665KB) GOOS Report No.74
147 1999 GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), Fourth Session. WCRP CLIVAR Upper Ocean Panel (UOP), Fourth Session. Special Joint Session of OOPC and UOP. Woods Hole, USA. 17-21 May 1999 2000/6/2 ggeoopc04.pdf (336KB) GOOS Report No.75
146 1999 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Coastal Panel of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS); Third Session; Accra, Ghana, 13-15 April 1999 2000/6/2 ggecgoos03.pdf (466KB)  GOOS Report No.76
145 1999 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). Second Session. Beijing, China, 26-29 April 1999 2000/6/1 GOOS_073_GSC-II.pdf (360KB) GOOS Report No.73
144 1999 IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GEMIM). Sixth Session. Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, 31 May - 3 June 1999 2001/6/1 ggemim06.pdf (149KB)  
143 1999 Tropical Atmosphere-Ocean Array (TAO) Implementation Panel. Seventh Session. Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. 11-13 November 1998 2000/6/1 117193eo.pdf (3.8MB) GOOS Report No.68
142 1999 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Mediterranean and its Geological/Geophysical Series. Seventh Session. Cavtat, Croatia, 2-4 June 1998 1999/8/30 116275eo.pdf (3.5MB)  
141 1999 Joint IOC-WMO-CPPS Working Group on the Investigations of El Nino. Ninth Session. Guayaquil, Ecuador, 5-7 November 1998   116348so.pdf (2.1MB) Spanish only
140 1999 IOC/WESTPAC Co-ordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional-Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR-GOOS). Third Session. Beijing, China, 3-6 August 1998 1999/4/27 115924eo.pdf (2.2MB) GOOS Report No.60
139 1998 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Coastal Panel of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). Second Session. Curitiba, Brazil, 29 October-1 November 1998 1999/6/3 116088eo.pdf (9.1MB) GOOS Report No.63
138 1998 Implementation of Global Ocean Observations for GOOS/GCOS; Second Session, Paris; 30 November 1998 1999/6/3 115919eo.pdf (1.3MB) GOOS Report No.65
137 1998 Workshop on the Implementation of Global Ocean Observations for GOOS/GCOS; Sydney, Australia; 1998 1999/6/3 115918eb.pdf (865KB) GOOS Report No.64
136 1998 Joint IOC-JGOFS CO2 Advisory Panel Meeting. Seventh Session. Warnemuende, Germany, 2-4 June 1997 1999/6/3 116069eo.pdf (2.9MB)  
135 1998 Joint GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC); Third Session, Grasse, France; 6-8 April 1998 1999/2/18 114649eo.pdf (7MB) GOOS Report No.61
134 1998 Fourth Session of the IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Indian Ocean, South Africa, 6-10 October 1997   114675eo.pdf (2.7MB)  
133 1998 IOC/WMO/UNEP/International Council of Scientific Unions/FAO Living Marine Resources Panel of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS); First Session, Paris; 23-25 March 1998 no record 114676eo.pdf (2MB) GOOS Report No.54
132 1998 Joint IOC-IHO Guiding Committee for the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans. Sixteenth Session. Southampton Oceanographic Centre, United Kingdom, 23-25 June 1997 1999/2/18 113982eo.pdf (3.3MB)  
131 1998 Health of the Oceans (HOTO) Panel of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS); Fourth Session, Singapore; 13-17 October 1997   113893eo.pdf (8.2MB) GOOS Report No.40
130 1998 IOC/WMO/UNEP/ICSU Steering Committee of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS); First Session, Paris; 20-23 April 1998 1998/11/11 113457eo.pdf (4.6MB) GOOS Report No.57
129 1998 TAO Implementation Panel. Sixth Session. Reading, England, 4-6 November 1997 1998/11/4 113405eo.pdf (4.5MB) GOOS Report No.36
128 1998 IOC Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping; Sixth Session, Monaco; 21-22 April 1997 1998/10/20 ggecgom06.pdf (321KB)  
127 1998 IOC-IUCN-NOAA Consultative Meeting on Large Marine Ecosystems (LME). Second Session. Paris, France, 15-16 March 1998 1998/10/20 ggelme02.pdf (67KB)  
126 1998 IOC-WMO-UNEP-ICSU Coastal Panel of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). First Session. Paris, France. 30 March - 1 April 1998 1998/8/27 ggecgoos01.pdf (179KB) GOOS Report No.56
125 1997 IODE Group of Experts on Technical Aspects of Data Exchange; Seventh Session, Dublin; 20-22 October 1997 1998/7/30 112678eo.pdf (1.5MB)  
124 1997 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (IBCCA). Sixth Session. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. 18-20 November 1996 no record 112644eo.pdf (1.6MB)  
123 1997 Joint GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC); Second Session, Cape Town, South Africa; 11-13 February 1997    ggeoopc02.pdf (1.2MB) GOOS Report No.28
122 1997 IOC-IUCN-NOAA Ad hoc Consultative Meeting on Large Marine Ecosystems (LME). Paris, France. 23-24 January 1997 1997/12/16 109629eo.pdf (3.6MB)  
121 1997 IOC/WESTPAC Co-ordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional-Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR-GOOS). Second Session. Bangkok, Thailand, 14-16 May 1997 1997/11/27 111352eo.pdf (1.9MB) GOOS Report No.34
120 1997 Joint GCOS GOOS WCRP Oceans Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC). Co-sponsored by GCOS GOOS SCOR/JGOFS WCRP. Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 18-20 March 1997 1998/1/12 109617eo.pdf (13.2MB) GOOS Report No.33
119 1997 First Session of the Joint IOC-WMO-IGOSS Ship-of-Opportunity Programme Implementation Panel. Cape Town, South Africa, 16-18 April 1997 1997/10/13 109144eo.pdf (3.7MB)  
118 1997 Joint Scientific and Technical Committee for Global Ocean Observing System (J-GOOS). Fourth Session. Miami, USA, 23-25 April 1997 1997/7/25 108832eo.pdf (5.9MB) GOOS Report No.30
117 1997 IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS); Fifth Session, Pasadena, California, USA; 19-21 March 1997   108485e.pdf (88KB) GOOS Report No.29
116 1996 GEBCO Officers Meeting. Tenth Session. East-West Centre, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. 3 May 1996 1997/6/3 111602e.pdf (497KB)  
115 1996 IOC Editorial Board of the International Bathymetric Chart of the Central Eastern Atlantic (IBCEA). Second Session. Paris, France, 9-11 October 1996 no record ggeibcea2.pdf (43KB)  
114 1996 Joint IOC-WMO-CPPS Working Group on the Investigations of 'El Nino'. Eighth Session. Concepcion, Chile, 17-18 April 1996 1997/4/16 108815sb.pdf (1.3MB) Spanish only
113 1996  IOC/WESTPAC Co-ordinating Committee for the North-East Asian Regional - Global Ocean Observing System (NEAR/GOOS); First Session, Bangkok; 4-6 September 1996  no record 106334e.pdf (250KB) GOOS Report No.25
112 1996 Joint IOC-JGOFS CO2 Advisory Panel Meeting. Sixth Session. Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, 27-30 Jan 1996 1997/2/13 ggeco06.pdf (270KB)  
111 1996 Joint GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC); First Session, Miami, USA; 25-27 March 1996 1996/10/23 104686e.pdf (1.9MB) GOOS Report No.12
110 1996 Joint Scientific and Technical Committee for Global Ocean Observing System (J-GOOS); Third Session, Paris; 23-25 April 1996 1996/10/11 106283e.pdf (945KB) GOOS Report No.8
109 1996 Strategy Sub-committee (SSC) of the IOC/WMO/UNEP Intergovernmental Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System (I-GOOS); Second Session, Paris; 25-27 March 1996 1996/10/21 103666e.pdf (97KB) GOOS Report No.37
108 1996 Health of the Oceans (HOTO) Panel of the Joint Scientific and Technical Committee for GOOS (J-GOOS). Third Session. Bangkok, Thailand, 16-21 November 1995 1996/8/12 103665e.pdf (319KB) GOOS Report No.15
107 1996 Sixth Joint IOC-WMO Meeting for Implementation of IGOSS XBT Ship-of-Opportunity Programmes, Ottawa, Canada, 16-20 October 1995 1996/8/12 ggeigossxbt06.pdf (310KB)  
106 1996 IOC-NOAA Ad Hoc Consultation on Marine Biodiversity. The IOC Marine Biodiversity Strategy. Paris, France, 3-5 May 1995 1996/8/12 gahbiod.pdf (125KB)  
105 1996 IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GEMIM). Fifth Session. Athens, Greece, 17-19 January 1996 1996/8/12 ggemim05.pdf (96KB)  
104 1996 IOC Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping. Fifth Session. Bremerhaven, Germany, 24-25 April 1995 1996/4/8 ggecgom05.pdf (655KB)  
103 1995 Joint IOC-IHO Guiding Committee for the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans. Fifteenth Session. International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco, 15-17 May 1995 1996/3/23 ggegebco15.pdf (515KB)  
102 1995 Joint Scientific and Technical Committee for Global Ocean Observing System (J-GOOS). Second Session. Paris, France, 24-26 April 1995 1995/11/30 146245eo.pdf (3.5MB) GOOS Report No.7
101 1995 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (IBCCA). Fifth Session. San Jose, Costa Rica, 21-22 November 1994 1995/11/10 101248eb.pdf (937KB)  
100 1995 First Meeting of the Officers of the Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Pacific. Bali, Indonesia, 20-21 November 1994 1996/3/4 103649e.pdf (281KB)  
99 1995 Second International Meeting of Scientific and Technical Experts on Climate Change and the Oceans. Valletta, Malta, 6-8 October 1994 1995/9/6 100856eb.pdf (2.2MB)  
98 1995 Joint Scientific and Technical Committee for Global Ocean Observing System (J-GOOS). First Session, Nantes, France, 26-27 May 1994 1995/10/16 ggejgoos1.pdf (124KB) GOOS Report No.6
97 1995 Joint Meeting of GEMSI and GEEP Core Groups. Bermuda, 12-15 September 1993 1995/8/18 101598eb.pdf (2.1MB)  
96 1995 IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS). Fourth Session, Bordeaux, France, 31 January-3 February 1995 1995/8/18 100813eb.pdf (2.5MB) GOOS Report No.23
95 1995 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Indian Ocean. Third Session. Zanzibar, Tanzania, 3-7 October 1994 1995/8/18 101154eb.pdf (862KB)  
94 1994 Joint CMM-IGOSS-IODE Sub-group on Ocean Satellites and Remote Sensing. First Session. Paris, 19-22 September 1994 1995/4/17 099771eb.pdf (944KB)  
93 1994 JSC Ocean Observing System Development Panel (OOSDP). Tenth Session. Paradise, Texas, USA, 3-7 October 1994 1995/4/18 103673e.pdf (64KB)  
92 1994 Fifth Session of the Joint IOC-JGOFS CO2 Advisory Panel Meeting, La Jolla, California, USA, 13-17 June 1994    099954eb.pdf (1.7MB)  
91 1994 IOC-FAO group of experts on ocean science in relation to living resources for the IOCINCWIO region. First Session. Mombasa, Kenya, 13-17 September 1994 1995/4/18 098535eb.pdf (2.2MB)  
90 1994 IODE Group of Experts on Technical Aspects of Data Exchange. Sixth Session. Geneva, Switzerland, 22-29 June 1994 1994/10/21 ggetad06.pdf (149KB)  
89 1994 JSC Ocean Observing System Development Panel (OOSDP). Ninth Session. Melbourne, Australia, 12-15 April 1994 1995/1/5    
88 1994 JSC Ocean Observing System Development Panel (OOSDP). Eighth Session. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, 16-19 November 1993 1994/3/19    
87 1994 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Pacific. First Session. Tianjin, People's Republic of China, 12-15 October 1993 1994/4/7 096405eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
86 1994 Joint IOC-JGOFS Panel on Carbon Dioxide. Fourth Session. Plymouth, UK, 14-16 June 1993 no record 096350eb.pdf (2.8MB)  
85 1994 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Mediterranean and its Geological/Geophysical Series. Sixth Session. Jerusalem, 1-6 November 1993 1994/4/7 096312eb.pdf (786KB)  
84 1993 IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management. Fourth Session. Washington, D.C., USA, 6-9 October 1993 no record ggemim04.pdf (95KB)  
83 1993 JSC Ocean Observing System Development Panel (OOSDP). Seventh Session. Lisbon, Portugal, 19-23 April 1993 1993/11/29 095388eb.pdf (1.3MB)  
82 1993 UNEP-IOC-ASPEI Global Task Team on the Implications of Climate Change on Coral Reefs. Second Meeting. Miami, Florida, USA, 2-4 June 1993 1993/11/29 095372eb.pdf (1.0MB)  
81 1993 Fifth Joint IOC-WMO Meeting for Implementation of IGOSS XBT Ship-of-Opportunity Programmes. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 23-26 March 1993 1993/12/22 095519eb.pdf (4.2MB)  
80 1993 Joint IOC-IHO Guiding Committee for the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans. Fourteenth Session. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California, USA, 4-6 May 1993 1993/11/22 095378eb.pdf (1.9MB)  
79 1992 IOC-IAEA-UNEP Group of Experts on Standards and Reference Materials (GESREM). Third Session. Brussels, 22-24 September 1992 no record 094195eb.pdf (1.7MB)  
78 1992 IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea-Level Observing System (GLOSS). Third Session, 13-15 October 1992 no record 093316eb.pdf (2.9MB)  
77 1992 ROPME-IOC Meeting of the Steering Committee for the Integrated Project Plan for the Coastal and Marine Environment of the ROPME Sea Area. Geneva, 17-18 June 1992 no record 092929eb.pdf (1.2MB)  
76 1992 IODE Group of Experts on Technical Aspects of Data Exchange. Fifth Session. Bidston, United Kingdom, 14-17 July 1992 no record ggetad05.pdf (84KB)  
75 1992 IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management. Third Session. Wormley, UK, 27-30 April 1992 no record ggemim03.pdf (129KB)  
74 1992 UNEP-IOC-ASPEI Global Task Team on the Implications of Climate Change on Coral Reefs. First Meeting. Guam, 27-28 June 1992 no record 092354eb.pdf (714KB)  
73 1992 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. Fourth Meeting. Havana, Cuba 24-26 March 1992 no record 092355eb.pdf (1.2MB)  
72   Seventh Session of the Joint IOC-WMO-CPPS Working Group on the Investigations of 'El Nino'     Spanish only
71 1992 ROPME-IOC Meeting of the Steering Committee on Oceanographic Co-operation in the ROPME Sea Area, Organized in Co-operation with UNEP, Kuwait, 24-27 September 1991 no record 090686eb.pdf (2.8MB)  
70 1992 Fourth Joint IOC-WMO Meeting for Implementation of IGOSS XBT Ship-of-Opportunity Programmes. Washington, DC, USA, 1-4 October 1991 no record 090685eb.pdf (3.6MB)  
69 1992 UNEP-IOC-WMO-IUCN Meeting of Experts on a Long-Term Global Monitoring System of Coastal and Near-Shore Phenomena Related to Climate Change, Pilot Projects on Mangroves and Coral Reefs, Monaco, 9-13-December 1991 no record 091283eb.pdf (2.0MB)  
68 1992 International Meeting of Scientific and Technical Experts on Climate Change and Oceans. Malta, 19-21 July 1991 no record 092335eb.pdf (881KB)  
67 1991 Joint IOC-IHO Guiding Committee for the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans. Thirteenth Session. Leningrad, USSR, 10-12 June 1991 no record 089675eb.pdf (1.9MB)  
66 1991 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Mediterranean and its Geological/Geophysical Series. Fifth Session. Trieste, 26-28 June 1991 no record 089676eb.pdf (556KB)  
65 1991 Working Group on Oceanographic Co-operation in the ROPME Sea Area. First Meeting. Paris, 12-14 June 1991 no record 089677eo.pdf (4.7MB)  
64 1991 Joint Meeting of the Group of Experts on Effects of Pollutants (GEEP) and the Group of Experts on Methods, Standards and Intercalibration (GEMS), Moscow, USSR, 15-20 October 1990 no record 089674eb.pdf (2.3MB)  
63 1991 IOC-IAEA-UNEP Group of Experts on Standards and Reference Materials (GESREM). Second Session. Halifax, Canada, 22-25 January 1990 1991/7/29 089673eb.pdf (1.2MB)  
62 1991 IOC-FAO Guiding Group of Experts on the Programme of Ocean Science in Relation to Living Resources. Third Session. Paris, 5-9 February 1990 1991/7/12 088550eb.pdf (2.0MB)  
61 1991 UNEP-IOC-WMO Meeting of Experts on Long-Term Global Monitoring System of Coastal and Near-Shore Phenomena Related to Climate Change. Paris, 10-14 December 1990 no record 088565eb.pdf (1.5MB)  
60 1991 IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea-level Observing System (GLOSS). Second Session. NOAA, Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, Miami, USA, 22-26 October 1990 no record 087851eb.pdf (1.5MB)  
59 1990 IOC-WMO/IGOSS Group of Experts on Operations and Technical Applications. Second Session. Paris, 12-16 November 1990 1991/2/4 087592eb.pdf (3.2MB)  
58 1990 IOC Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping. Fourth Session. Monte Carlo, 22-24 October 1990 no record 087594eb.pdf (902KB)  
57 1990 IOC ad hoc Group of Experts on Ocean Mapping in the WESTPAC Area. First meeting. Tianjin, People's Republic of China, 12-14 June 1990 no record 087228eb.pdf (1.2MB)  
56 1990 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Indian Ocean. Second Session. Quatre Bornes, Mauritius, 3-5 July 1990 1990/11/30 087595eb.pdf (547KB)  
55 1990 IOC-UNEP-IMO Group of Experts on Effects of Pollutants. Fifth Session. London, 17-20 April 1989 1990/10/22 088913eb.pdf (2.3MB)  
54 1990 Tercera Reunion of the Comite Editorial de la COI para la Carta Batimetrica Internacional del Mar Caribe y Golfo de Mexico 1990/9/4    
54 1990 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Third Session. Caracas, D.F., Venezuela, 16 to 18 January 1990 1992/5/29 087230eb.pdf (876KB)  
53 1990 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Central Eastern Atlantic. First Session. Lagos, 14-16 February 1990 1990/8/15 087603eb.pdf (779KB)  
52 1990 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Mediterranean and its Geological/Geophysical Series. Fourth Session. Paris, 11-13 December 1989 1990/3/28 086101eb.pdf (906KB)  
51 1990 IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea-Level Observing System (GLOSS). First Session. Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Bidston, U.K., 19-23 June 1989 1990/3/9 085241eb.pdf (2.6MB)  
50 1989 Third Joint IOC-WMO Meeting for Implementation of IGOSS XBT Ship-of-Opportunity Programmes. Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, 16-20 October 1989 1990/2/21 085243eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
49 1989 Joint CCOP-IOC Working Group on Post-IODE Studies of East Asian Tectonics and Resources. Fifteenth Session. Bangkok, Thailand, 30-31 October 1989 1990/2/21 085244eb.pdf (811KB)  
48 1989 Joint IOC-IHO Guiding Committee for the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans. Twelfth Session. Boulder, Colorado, USA, 16-17 May 1989 1989/9/9 085215eb.pdf (1.4MB)  
47   cancelled      
46 1989 Second Session of the IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 20-22 July 1988 1989/8/4 085213eb.pdf (935KB)  
45 1989 IOC-UNEP Group of Experts on Methods, Standards and Intercalibration. Ninth Session. Villefranche-sur-Mer, 5-9 December 1988 1989/7/20 085300eb.pdf (2.0MB)  
44 1989 IOC-UN (OALOS) Guiding Group of Experts on the Programme of Ocean Science in relation to Non-Living Resources (OSNLR). Third Session. Bordeaux, France, 21-25 February 1989 1989/7/20 083669eb.pdf (1.8MB)  
43 1989 First Session of the IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Western Indian Ocean 1989/7/4 085181eb.pdf (723KB)  
42 1989 Joint IOC-WMO-CPPS Working Group on the Investigations of 'El Nino'. Sixth Session. Vina del Mar, Chile, 24-26 November 1988 1989/7/4 085242eb.pdf (1.3MB)  
41 1989 IOC Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping. Third Session, Bremerhaven, 7-9 December 1988 1989/3/30 083207eb.pdf (1.2MB)  
40 1989 Joint CCOP-IOC Working Group on Post-IDOE Studies of East Asian Tectonics and Resources. Fourteenth Session, Baguio City, Philippines, 8, 10 and 11 December 1988 1989/3/30    
39 1989 IODE Group of Experts on Technical Aspects of Data Exchange. Fourth Session, Ottawa, Canada, 11-15 July 1988 1989/3/30 083204eb.pdf (1.3MB)  
38 1989 Fourth Session of the Joint CCOP/SOPAC-IOC Working Group on South Pacific Tectonics and Resources, Suva, Fiji, 14-15 October 1988 1989/3/30 082950eb.pdf (1.2MB)  
37 1988 Second Joint IOC-WMO Meeting of Experts on IGOSS-IODE Data Flow, Ottawa, Canada, 18-22 January 1988 1988/6/27 082498eb.pdf (1.3MB)  
36 1988 First Consultative Meeting on RNODCs and Climate Data Services, Wormley, UK, 15-19 February 1988 1988/6/27 082500eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
35 1988 Fourth Session of the IOC-UNEP-IMO Group of Experts on Effects of Pollutants, Paris, 1987 1988/6/27    
34 1988 IOC Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Mediterranean and Overlay Sheets. Third Session. Paris, 30 November-4 December 1987 1988/5/12 082471eb.pdf (1.1MB)  
33 1988 Second Session of the IOC Task Team on the Global Sea-Level Observing System (GLOSS), Honolulu, USA, 19-23 October 1987 1988/5/19 082473eb.pdf (2.6MB)  
32 1988 Thirteenth Session of the Joint CCOP-IOC Working Group on Post-IDOE Studies of East Asian Tectonics and Resources, Bangkok, 1987 1988/4/22 077784eb.pdf (0.9MB)  
31 1988 Second Joint IOC-WMO Meeting for Implementation of IGOSS XBT Ship-of-Opportunity Programmes, Sidney, Canada, 5-8 August 1987   077785eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
30 1988 First Session of the IOCARIBE Group of Experts on Recruitment in Tropical Coastal Demersal Communities (TRODERP), Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 19-21 May 1987 1988/5/19 082501eb.pdf (787KB)  
29 1988 First Session of the IOC-IAEA-UNEP Group of Experts on Standards and Reference Materials, Paris, 9-12 February 1987 1988/2/16 077786eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
28 1987 Second Session of the IOC-FAO Guiding Group of Experts on the Programme of Ocean Science in Relation to Living Resources, Rome, 8-12 June 1987 1988/4/22 076964eb.pdf (1.9MB)  
27 1987 Eleventh Session of the Joint IOC-IHO Guiding Committee for the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans, Paris, 28-30 April 1987 1987/11/9 076171eb.pdf (1.5MB)  
26 1987 Eighth Session of the IOC-UNEP Group of Experts on Methods, Standards and Intercalibration, Paris, 1987 1987/11/9    
25 1987 Third Session of the IOC Group of Experts on Effects of Pollutants, Oslo, Norway, 31 August-2 September 1986 1987/8/17 076169eb.pdf (1.2MB)  
24 1987 Seconf Session of the IOC-UN(OETB) Guiding Group of Experts on the Programme of Ocean Science in Relation to Non-Living Resources (OSNLR), Paris, 26-30 January 1987 1987/8/17 076168eb.pdf (2.2MB)  
23 1987 First Session of the IOC Group of Experts on Marine Geology and Geophysics in the Western Pacific, Townsville, Australia, 4-6 December 1986 1987/8/17 076163eb.pdf (682KB)  
22 1987 Second Session of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management, Moscow, 1986 1987/6/11 ggemim02.pdf (67KB)  
- 1987 Fifth Session of the Joint IOC-WMO-CPPS Working Group on the Investigations of 'El Nino', Guayaquil, Ecuador, 3-5 November 1986 1987/3/24 072529eb.pdf (1.7MB)  
- 1986 IOC Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping, Second Session, Paris, 12-13 February 1987    072519eb.pdf (815KB)  
21 1986 Telfth Session of the Joint CCOP-IOC Working Group on Post-IDOE Studies in South-East Asian Tectonics and Resources, Singapore, 22-23 August 1986 1987/3/18 071921eb.pdf (614KB)  
20 1986 Third Session of the Joint CCOP/SOPAC-IOC Working Group on South Pacific Tectonics and Resources (STAR), Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 2-3 September 1986 1987/3/20 071783eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
19   Primera Reunion del Comite Editorial de la COI para la Carta Batimetrica Internafcional del Mar Caribe y Parte del Oceano Pacifico frente a Centroamerica, Aguascalientes, 1986     Spanish only
18 1986 Second Session of the IOC Group of Experts on Effects of Pollutants, Paris, 2-5 December 1985 1986/8/13 071966eb.pdf (2.57MB)  
17 1986 Seventh Session of the IOC-UNEP Group of Experts on Methods, Standards and Intercalibration, Monaco, 13-20 November 1985 1986/8/13 071964eb.pdf (2.7MB)  
16 1986 Second Session of the Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Mediterranean and Overlay Sheets, Paris, 13-15 March 1986 1987/3/20 071968eb.pdf (1.2MB)  
15 1986 Eleventh Session of the Joint CCOP-IOC Working Group on Post-IDOE Studies in South-East Asian Tectonics and Resources, Guangzhou, China, 13 November 1985 1986/1/13 071730eb.pdf (1.1MB)  
14 1985 Group of Experts on Format Development of the Working Committee on International Oceanographic Data Exchange; Third Session; Copenhagen; 16-20 September 1985  1986/2/28 068558eb.pdf (1.1MB)  
13 1985 Second Session of the Joint CCOP/SOPAC-IOC Working Group on South Pacific Tectonics and Resources (STAR), Honiara, Solomon Islands, 10-12 September 1985  1986/1/13 068719eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
12 1985 Joint IOC-WMO Meeting for Implementation of IGOSS XBT Ship-of-Opportunity Programmes, Seattle, USA, 9-13 September 1985   068699eb.pdf (2.9MB)  
11 1985 First Session of the IOC Consultative Group on Ocean Mapping 1986/1/13    
10 1985 Sixth Session of the IOC-UNEP Group of Experts on Methods, Standards and Intercalibration, Woods Hole, 26-30 November 1984   064985eb.pdf (1.7MB)  
9 1985 Tenth Session of the Joint CCOP-IOC Working Group on Post-IDOE Studies in East Asian Tectonics and Resources, Bandung, Indonesia, 29 November 1984 1985/4/20 063930eb.pdf (908KB)  
8 1987 First Session of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management 1992/5/29 ggemim01.pdf (96KB)  
7 1985 First Session of the Joint CCOP(SOPAC)-IOC Working Group on South Pacific Tectonics and Resources (STAR), Apia, Western Samoa, 2 November 1984 1985/4/20 064085eb.pdf (889KB)  
6 1985 First Session of the Editorial Board for the International Bathymetric Chart of the Mediterranean and Overlay Sheets, Lucerne, Switzerland, 20-22 October 1984   064084eb.pdf (827KB)  
5 1985 First Session of the IOC-UN(OETB) Guiding Group of Experts on the Programme of Ocean Science in Relation to Non-Living Resources (OSNLR), Paris, 14-18 January 1985 1985/4/9 063935eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
4 1985 First Session of the IOC-FAO Guiding Group of Experts on the Programme of Ocean Science in Relation to Living Resources, Paris, 16-20 July 1984 1985/4/20 063928eb.pdf (1.4MB)  
3 1985 Fourth Session of the Joint IOC-WMO-CPPS Working Group on the Investigations of 'El Nino', Lima, 31 May-2 June 1984 1985/2/20 064657eb.pdf (1.6MB)  
2 1985 Fourth Meeting of the Central Editorial Board for the Geological/Geophysical Atlases of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Yalta, USSR, 8-11 May 1984 1992/5/29 064153eb.pdf (0.9MB)  
1 1985 Third Meeting of the Central Editorial Board for the Geological/Geophysical Atlases of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Tallinn, USSR, 17-21 May 1983   064155eb.pdf (962KB)