JODC taxonomic code of marine organisms

Last update : February 3, 2003

Code file format

Field Name Descriptions
Name Code Organism name code
00001 to 99999 (numerals only)
Tax. Code Organism taxonomic code
01000000000000 to 99999999999999 (numerals only)
06-07 Phylum (Division) 01000000000000
08-09 Class 01010000000000
10-11 Order 01010100000000
12-13 Family 01010101000000
14-15 Genus 01010101010000
16-17 Species 01010101010100
18-19 Subspecies (Variety, Form) 01010101010101
Name Flag Blank : Scientific name (Nomen)
J: Japanese name
D: Doubtful Species inhabited around Japan
S: Synonym
L: Larva
Z: Larva Synonym
Organism Name Scientific name, English name, larval name, etc.